BBB student video contest logo on a clapperboard design background

BBB student video contest

The Student Video Contest is an interactive competition among high school students from any of the 19 counties which BBB Central East Texas serves. BBB offers this scholarship annually to recognize high school students who personify and communicate ethics in the real world, as demonstrated through community service, personal integrity and academic accomplishments. 



This contest engages students in teamwork, creativity, communication, and marketing skills, all while learning about the BBB’s resources that are available to protect their financial future. The great thing about this contest is that both the winning teams and the high schools of the winning teams win prizes!

School across East Texas are eligible to register and submit entries. The community then votes for their favorite video by giving likes on the corresponding YouTube video. Three winners are announced at the KLTV televised BBB Awards for Excellence. The winning student receives a scholarship for their efforts and the winning school receives a cash prize to advance their Arts, Audio Video Technology, and Communications (AAVTC) program.

For more information or questions e-mail or call 903-581-5704.

2025 video theme

What makes a business better? Pick one of our Standards of Trust and tell us how this standard fosters an ethical business community that serves their customers effectively.  Showcase why BBB Accreditation is the Sign of a Better Business.

Before entering your video submission, be sure to read and review the rules, guidelines, and timeline for your video to be accepted!

Contest Prizes
  • 1st: $2,000 to school + $500 to student
  • 2nd: $1,000 to school + $250 to student
  • 3rd: $500 to the school + $100 to student
Submit button image with student video contest logo

Please fill this form to register your school and team for the BBB Student Video Contest.

View past entries to see how students have used our BBB brand to convey our mission and past themes. 

Learn more about the BBB Awards for Excellence show where your winning entry could be featured.