Verify Your Business's Purpose-Driven Activities with BBB4Good

Better Business Bureau (BBB) has created a new program that will enable you to stand out as a business that is embracing purpose + profit in today’s marketplace. The BBB4Good program empowers people to identify purpose-driven businesses that are delivering on their social good promises.



Research shows purpose helps business

Much is being written about the benefits purpose provides to businesses. Download our one-pager highlighting research on how purpose helps businesses.

Benefits of BBB Accreditation + BBB4Good Verification

Consumers look to Better Business Bureau for factual, unbiased information they can trust when making buying decisions. Accredited Businesses must meet the BBB Standards of Trust and BBB4Good Verified Businesses must meet the BBB4Good Standards.  




Businesses that are approved for BBB Accreditation + BBB4Good Verification:

  • Are listed as BBB4Good Verified Businesses on BBB4Good Verified Businesses can display the BBB4Good Trustmark on

  • Will stand apart from “self-identified” purpose-driven businesses. ONLY Verified BBB4Good Businesses can display the BBB4Good Trustmark.

  • Can promote their purpose-driven activities by displaying the BBB4Good Trustmark. BBB4Good Verified Business can add the BBB4Good Trustmark to their websites and other online promotional materials.
  • Have been doing social good work for at least one year.

Self-identified BBB4Good Businesses

Finding purpose-driven businesses is simple. Go to and choose the drop-down for “purpose-driven business.” This will show you BOTH Verified and Self-identified Businesses. ONLY BBB4Good Verified Businesses will display the BBB4Good Trustmark. If your business would like to be listed as a “self-identified” business, please fill our inquiry form


AB seal and BBB4Good program logos

Should your business apply?

Your business can apply for the BBB4Good program if it:

  • Is BBB Accredited in the United States or Canada.  Click here to learn more about BBB Accreditation.
  • Is a for-profit OR not-for-profit organization. Not-for-profits must demonstrate they receive at least 60% of their annual revenue from earned revenue sources such as the sale of products or services.
  • Pursues a higher purpose in addition to profit.
  • Pricing for BBB4Good Verification is determined by your local BBB. Fill out our inquiry form to get information about the pricing for your area. 



How much does BBB4Good Verification cost?

Pricing for BBB4Good Verification is determined by your local BBB. Please click here to get information about the pricing for your area. Some BBBs may charge an application fee to cover the associated vetting costs (they will reach out to you before they vet your application).


Interested in becoming a purpose-driven business?

If your business is interested in learning more about incorporating purpose into your business model, we have created a list of helpful resources.

Useful articles and resources: