BBB Customer Review Submission Terms

I have read and agree to all provisions of the BBB Terms of Use, which govern my use of this website and all submissions of content and information to BBB, including this Customer Review. I acknowledge that my submission of this Customer Review will be subject to the licenses and other terms regarding “User Content” described in the BBB Terms of Use.

I certify that:

  • This Customer Review is a truthful account of my experience with the business.
  • I have not included any personally identifiable information in my Customer Review.
  • I have not received any monetary or other compensation or financial incentive to write this Customer Review, and the opinions and content contained in the Customer Review are solely my own.

I understand that:

  • The text of my Customer Review may be publicly posted on the BBB website for up to 1,095 days (3 years). I may withdraw my consent to publish my Customer Review at any time by notifying BBB.
  • BBB reserves the right to not post my Customer Review in accordance with BBB policy, including if I have a personal or business affiliation with the business or I have been offered or received any incentive or compensation to write this Customer Review.
  • BBB may edit my Customer Review to protect privacy rights and to remove inappropriate language or other objectionable content.
  • If I file a complaint with BBB on this business, my Customer Review on this business will not be posted.
  • This Customer Review, along with my contact information, may also be sent to the business.
  • BBB may use my contact information for verification purposes, and BBB may share information provided by me and the business with other BBB affiliates and organizations and with third parties (see BBB Privacy Policy).
  • BBB does not accept anonymous Customer Reviews.
  • Customer Reviews are not used in the calculation of the BBB Rating.