You’ve earned The Sign of a Better Business℠

Display it proudly for your customers to see!

As an Accredited Business, you have earned the right to use the BBB Accredited Business Seal—one of the most respected and trusted symbols in business. When customers see the BBB Accredited Business Seal, they know your business is committed to the highest standards of ethical business practices. Stand out from the competition and enhance your credibility by referencing your BBB Accreditation and using the BBB Accredited Business Seal wherever you promote your business.


Let potential customers verify your status without leaving your website by installing BBB’s dynamic seal

Email Signature

Insert “BBB Accredited Business” after the contact details in your business email signature

Company Vehicles

Get more mileage out of your seal - display it on company vehicles!

Social Media

Add the Accredited Business Seal to your social media profiles


Reference your BBB Accreditation in videos promoting your business

Business Cards & Invoices

Include the seal on your business cards, invoices, estimates, etc.

Print & Digital Ads

Include the seal in print and digital ads

Business Location

Display the seal on signage around your building

Radio Ads

Mention your BBB Accreditation in radio ads

BBB has a variety of office and business products imprinted with the Accredited Business Seal, available for purchase. Reach out to your local BBB for details.