This business has 1 alert
Important information
- Additional Info:BBB files indicate that the products listed in this BBB Business Profile have a pattern of complaints concerning unauthorized and/or unexpected charges and unresolved refund disputes. Complaints filed by consumers state that they signed up for what they thought was a free trial and later discovered additional unauthorized and/or unexpected charges to their credit cards for additional amounts. BBB contacted the business in June 2019 about the pattern of complaints, but have not received a response at this time. In This BBB Business Profile provides information about the product name(s) listed in this profile. According to information in BBB files, this product has had its Returns shipped to BT Shipping, LLC., a business that is located in Tampa, FL. BBB files indicate that BTS performs these shipping services for a large number of products in the skin care and supplement industries.
BBB has had significant complaint activity involving a large number of products that have their returns shipped to Federal Association of BT Shipping, LLC. Consistent throughout most of the product lines is a pattern of complaints concerning unauthorized and/or unexpected charges and unresolved refund disputes. Complaints filed by consumers state that they signed up for what they thought was a free trial of a product and later discovered additional unauthorized and/or unexpected charges to their credit cards for additional amounts.
A BBB Business Profile for BT Shipping, LLC., can be viewed at https://bbb.org/h/k167