Sanders All Star Team business profile

What is a BBB Business Profile?

BBB Business Profiles helps you answer people's questions.

Can I trust this company?

Is this company reputable?

BBB Business Profiles With:

  • BBB letter grade rating
  • Read customer reviews
  • Read complaints
  • and over 90 other valuable details of information


BBB Business Profiles include over 90 informational data points & attributes about your business and are designed to provide your customers with information about your business.

Log into your BBB account and add or update your BBB Business Profile information below!

Business profiles

BBB Business Profiles are designed to provide your current and potential customers with information about your business, including any enhanced services you provide and a visual display of your business through photos, videos and your business logo.

The closer you are to providing your information on over 90 information data points & attributes about your business and completing 100% of your Business Profile, the more valuable your profile becomes to potential and existing customers!

View an example

So what's included in a Business Profile?

Some of the content is applicable for all businesses. Other content is based on the individual business.

Basic information
  • Business Name(s)
  • Address(es)
  • Phone Number(s)
  • Fax Number(s)
  • Contact People and Titles
  • Business Management
  • Type of Business
  • Type of Entity: Corporation, Sole Proprietorship, etc
  • Date and State Established in
  • Date File Opened
  • Employee Count
  • Service Area
  • Overview of Products and Services Offered
  • BBB Letter Grade Rating
  • Accreditation Status
  • Customer Reviews Star Rating
Additional information
  • Photo(s) of the Business
  • Video(s) of the Business
  • Business Logo
  • Email Address
  • Website URL
  • Social Media URL(s)
  • Twitter Feed
  • Customer Reviews
  • Complaints
  • Licensing Information
  • Months in Operation
  • Date and State Incorporated in
  • Date Accredited
  • Years and Months of Continuous Accreditation
  • Business Owners' Background Information
  • Owner Demographics: Veteran Owned, Family Owned, etc.
  • BBB Program Participation
  • Ticker Symbol
  • Public Company
  • Methods of Payment
  • Hours of Operation
  • Refund & Exchange Policy
  • LGBTQ-Friendly
  • Transgender Safe Space
  • Telemedicine
  • For Painters: Primary Preferred Paint Brand
  • Price Range
  • Green Certification(s)
  • Brands You Sell
  • Products You Sell
  • Parking
  • Air-Conditioned
  • Online Check-In
  • COVID 19: Operational Business Status
  • Safety & Health Protocols
  • Provides Emergency Service?
  • Wifi?
  • Chain Store?
  • Curbside Pickup?
  • Provides Delivery?
  • Provides Pickup?
  • Pet-Friendly?
  • Online Store?
  • In-Store Shopping?
  • Online Classes?
  • Online Meetings?: Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams
  • Online Appointments?
  • Online Estimates?
  • For Restaurants: Reservation Link, Cuisine, Menu Link
Coming soon
  • Financial Markets
  • For Hotels/Motels/B&B:
  • About the Owner: Education, Business Philosophy, Customer Philosophy
  • For Tax Preparers: Professional Credentials, Annual Filing Season Program Participant, PTN
  • For Restaurants: Service Type, Menu Type, Price Range $, Open Table/ Resy/Tock
BBB added information (if applicable)
  • Alert(s)
  • Out of Business
  • Mail Returned
  • Advertising Challenge
  • Government Action
  • Bankruptcy
  • Licensing Suspension/Revocation
  • Pattern of Complaints
  • Trademark Infringement
  • Referral Assistance
Sanders All Star Team business profile

Update your profile

Enhance your BBB Business Profile to attract customers and provide accurate information about your business!

Some information only pertains to BBB Member Accredited Businesses.

Including but not limited to:

  • Get a Quote/Get Connected/Book Appointment
  • Accredited Business Seal
  • Date Accredited