Photo & video shoot

Make your business shine with a free professional video and photo shoot.


BBB+ | BBB Max | BBB Enterpise

What to expect at a BBB Member video shoot

A $5,000 Value

Your video shoot is included with your BBB Member Accreditation at no extra charge

 “It was such an easy and professional process. The videographer, Dan, was super friendly and he made everybody feel at ease. Not everybody likes getting their picture taken or being on video, and he really made everybody feel at ease. He was in and out within a couple of hours. He also filmed a video from a drone above the store. It was very cool.”

Exclusively for Member Accredited Businesses

Video about your Member Accreditation

Member BBB testimonial video

  • Length of BBB Member Accreditation
  • What being a BBB Member means to you
  • How long you've been in business
  • What your business does/is
Video about your business

Member spotlight video

  • Who you are and what you do
  • What your business does/is
  • How long you've been in business
  • Why you enjoy your business industry
  • Include video of your office, warehouse, work areas
Videos of your product/service
  • Visual of one single product or one single service shown
  • Limited descriptive text permitted
  • No voice over or music
  • Short :30 second video to highlight a product or service
Photos from video shoot
  • Three photos taken during the video shoot
  • Headshot or similar photo taken during video shoot
  • B-roll style photos taken during video shoot

Please note: Photos are only taken during a video shoot, max three photos total.

Our family of Better Businesses | Video series

Make your business shine with a free professional video and photo shoot.

Watch the over 65 professional videos that BBB members have had produced.

Marketing team at video shoot


Behind the scenes with BBB

BBB's Multimedia Content Creator will come to your business for an interview-style video, record b-roll shots, and take photos of your business to help tell your story.

During this time, our Multimedia Content Creator will also create product/service videos with voice overlays.

What to Expect

Professional Video filmed by our Multimedia Content Creator about Your Business & BBB Membership Accreditation.

-Who you are and what you do

-What your business does/is

-How long you've been in business

-Why you are a BBB Member Accredited Business

-What you like about your BBB Membership Accreditation

-What BBB Member Benefits you use

-Why do you enjoy your business industry

-Include video of your office, warehouse, work areas

-Product videos

Before and After Your Video Photo Shoot

BBB's multimedia content creator will come to your business to do an interview-style video and record b-roll shots and take photos of your business to help tell your story.

During this time, our multimedia content creator will also create product/service videos with voice overlays (if needed).

Once your video is filmed, it will be produced and edited. You will receive a link to the video and once approved, it will be added to BBB's social media channels, BBB Video Series, as well as your BBB Business Profile.  A download of the video will also be available to you.

*Free video shoot terms and conditions

  • For BBB Member Accredited Businesses in good standing located in E. MA, ME, RI & VT. 
  • Signing a waiver and release form is required.
  • Video shoot will be scheduled upon availability. Once the video is edited we will provide the date when video is available for businesses to use.
  • It is only a video specifically about your business and the business that was named on this application from this landing page.
  • The video team will do an interview and record b roll shots and photos to create and share your business story/services.
  • The produced video will be a 1-2 minutes video for use on social media.
  • The video will be used on the BBB website and social channels, and provided to you for use on your social pages.
  • Only 1 video photo shoot per BBB Member Accredited Business

Photographs and/or videos may not:

  • Include any promotional, performance or advertising claims
  • Include any pricing information
  • Include any product/business superiority claims, or mention or disparage any specific competitors.
  • Include any reference to the business’ BBB rating that is not currently accurate (any video referencing an inaccurate rating should be removed immediately)
  • Depict any awards received other than a BBB ethics/torch or similar BBB award-Include testimonials or endorsements
  • State or imply anything that is untrue
  • Reflect unfavorably on the BBB
  • Use clip art or stock images, unless the clip art or stock image is part of the business’ logo
  • Use, depict or include any trademarks or copyright materials of any party without express, written permission, including but not limited to music or stock B-roll