BBB serving Vancouver Island Torch Award nomination form

Every year BBB serving Vancouver Island honours businesses that stand out for their commitment to ethical business practices. Please provide us with a written explanation and concrete examples of what the company you are nominating has done to go above and beyond in its commitment to trust, ethics, and customer service excellence. 

Judges will make their decision based on how well each nomination explains the company's ethical business practices:

  • Character (value-driven leadership & communication)
  • Culture (commitment to trustworthy business practices)
  • Customer service (strive for excellence, transparency & honesty)
  • Community engagement (contributions to the greater  community)

Judges choose finalists and winners based on the nomination(s) with the most descriptive story and explanation of what a company has done to demonstrate marketplace ethics.

PLEASE NOTE: We accept nominations resulting from consumer transactions and business-to-business transactions (e.g. vendors, suppliers, etc.). Nominations received from family members, owners or co-owners, employees, and other company staff are NOT eligible for a company-based Torch Award. We will only accept nominations from company owners, co-owners, managers, or staff that wish to recognize individual company employees that have made an outstanding ethical contribution or act of service. 

ABOUT YOU (the Nominator)

Your Name (First & Last)

Your Address (Number, Street Name, City, Province, Postal Code)

Your Phone Number

Your Email Address

ABOUT THE BUSINESS (the company you are nominating)

Business Name

Business Address (Number, Street Name, City, Province, Postal Code)

Business Phone Number

Business Email

Share Your Story. Explain the situation or experience you had that has lead you to submitting this nomination.

What has this company done to deserve a BBB Torch Award?