BBB serving Vancouver Island guidelines for promoting a Torch Award

Torch Award winners and finalists are encouraged to promote receipt of their company's Torch Award to their family, friends, staff, customers and the general public.

Provided there is prior review and approval from BBB for draft proofs of any advertisement, a Torch Award recipient may do any or all, of the following

1. Reproduce a copy of the statutory award, which must include the year of receipt

2. State the following in any of their promotional materials or display advertising:

  • Recognition Received, i.e., “Winner” or "Finalist"
  • Category of Award, i.e., "Trades"
  • Year award received
  • Better Business Bureau

3. Issue announcements and press releases about receipt of the award within the year of its receipt

4. Make a brief factual statement about the award and the required business qualifications.


Additional FAQ's

Q. What should award winners and finalists use in advertising their award?

A. BBB shall provide brand-approved artwork to the business for use in their advertising mediums.


Q. Where may a local BBB award recipient advertise?

A. The recipient may advertise in the following media:

  • Print publications, such as newspapers, periodicals, direct mail, annual reports, posters and flyers.
  • Traditional media such as television, radio spots, and outdoor billboards; and/or
  • Digital platforms, such as social media, websites, email, and digital newsletters.


Q. For how long may a local BBB award winner or finalist advertise?

A. The recipient may advertise the award indefinitely, but only as long as they maintain at least a B rating from BBB and the business may not have been the subject of pending or final government or regulatory actions or another activity that may poorly reflect upon the BBB.

In all advertisements, the award recipient must indicate the year the award was given.

Torch Award Nomination Form

Each year BBB serving Vancouver Island honours businesses that are committed to ethical business place practices. Do you know a business that stands out from the crowd?

Torch Award Judging Criteria

A panel of volunteers from the business community are brought together to review each nomination and to pick the finalists & winners for the Torch Awards each year using a standard set of guidelines.