Mixed race woman sales manager stretch out hand greeting client

Business Relations Directory

The following BBB Accreditation Representatives work on behalf of the BBB serving Metro Washington DC and Eastern PA

Ron Caruthers - (202) 393-8036
Shawn Colomer - (771) 210-2414
Jim Curcio, Director of Business Development (PA) -  (215) 893-3877
Elaine Davis - (202) 600-2387, ext. 174
Andrea Dixon - (202) 393-8026
Sheree Higginbotham - (202) 905-7050
Leslie Hinton - (202) 640-2917
Derrick Hydleburg - (202) 393-8034
William Irvin - (215) 893-3876
Erik Johnson - (202) 638-1162, (215) 999-1465
Vince Karlen (215) 893-3862
Rebecca Kieser, Director of Business Development (DC) - (202) 470-0637
Lori Lafferty (215) 893-3870
Terry Lancaster - (202) 783-0607
Max Lambert - (717) 364-3254
David Marino - (202) 221-3252 and (215) 944-0909, ext. 107
Samuel Martin - (202) 638-1168
Mike McGee - (215) 893-3866
Brandon Palmer - (202) 638-1162
Jerron Patton - (202) 640-2948
Sharon Randolph - (202) 638-1128
Gordon Raymond - (202) 783-1367
Carl Seldon - (215) 893-3864
Duane Smith -  (202) 558-4644​
Brian Tangradi - (215) 893-3875
Robert Taylor - (215) 893-3881
Melissa Walts - (771) 210-2354