BBB Akron's Laws of Life contest judging criteria

The top 5% essays of each classroom may be submitted by the classroom teacher for judging. Essays will be judged primarily on their content, whether they are positive and life-affirming, include a principle based on the UncommonSense® FRAMEWORK, or "law of life" that the author believes will make the world a better place, and capture a value or ideal in a special way. Some importance to the presentation and the mechanics of writing will be considered in judging to the extent that the ideas put forth by the author are clearly understood. In cases where the content is judged as having equal merit, the essay which is better written or presented will be given a higher score. Before submitting essays, local contest coordinators should assure that students have proofed and typed their essays.

Click here for a sample scoring rubric.

Special Theme Award for 2022

The special theme for 2022 is Transformation. We ask students to reflect on what Transformation means to them, why it is an important Law of Life, how they learned the trait, and how they have changed their behavior to live up to that law. The best essay on this topic will be awarded $250.00.  Students are not required to write about this topic, but if students choose to write about ethics, the best essay on that topic may be submitted as an additional entry for that school. For further assessment for this award click here.