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Scams impacting the Latine community

BBB serving MN and ND conducted research to learn more about how to better offer scam prevention resources and education to the Latine community.

About the report

The goal of this descriptive research study was to better understand the experiences with scams of the Latine* community in Minnesota and North Dakota. The primary questions this study aims to answer are:

  1. What types of scams are targeting those in the community?

  2. How worried are community members about becoming a victim of a scam?

  3. How has the community been victimized by scams and lost money in the past?

  4. What barriers prevent the Latine community from accessing scam prevention and education?

  5. Which medium would be the preferred method for the community to receive education on how to avoid future scams and monetary loss?

  6. What could BBB do to better inform the community on scam and fraud prevention?

BBB looks to further extend their reach to the Latine community to offer resources on scam and fraud prevention and continue to aid those who have been scammed. 

*Latine (pronounced lah-tee-nay) is a gender-inclusive term for those with origins in Latin America; it is synonymous with Latinx.