Get featured with BBB!
As an Accredited Business with BBB Midwest Plains, you have the opportunity to boost your exposure with social media channels.
If you fulfill the below requirements contact us today to get your business featured!
To be considered, your business must:
• Be accredited for at least 3 months
• Be active on social media
• Like/follow all @BBBMidwestPlains social media pages
• Agree to share the post in which your business is featured
— When the post is shared, include a short testimonial on why you chose to become accredited with the BBB
• Provide a 1 - 2 sentence company motto, mission statement, or value proposition
• Provide 3 - 5 photos, some options include:
— Images of your storefront
— Images of activities with your staff
— Professional headshot of the owner, manager, or staff group photo
**Limited space available.