BBB Torch Awards Committee

The Better Business Bureau of the Midwest Plains' Torch Awards Committee meets monthly to strategize and provide direction for BBB Awards programs. If you have a question for the committee, please send it to

Josh Planos

Josh Planos is Vice President of Marketing, Communications & Public Relations for Better Business Bureau of the Midwest Plains. He joined the committee in 2021.

Jenni Tekesky
Jenni Tekesky, BBB

Jenni Tekesky is Programming & Communications Manager for Better Business Bureau of the Midwest Plains. She joined the committee in 2023.

Dawn Bashara
Dawn Bashara

Dawn Bashara directed non-profit communications and fundraising before retiring, and now freelances through Bashara Communications. She joined the committee in 2013. 

Tom Berger
Tom Berger

Tom Berger is Chair of the Torch Awards Committee. He joined the committee in 2017.

Kerry Heinrich
Kerry Heinrich, WoodmenLife

Kerry Heinrich is Director of Marketing Communications for WoodmenLife. She joined the committee in 2020.

Jennie Hudnall
Jennie Hudnall, Bridges Trust

Jennie Hudnall is Marketing Director for Bridges Trust. She joined the committee in 2020.

Cindy Powers
Cindy Powers, Seldin Company

Cindy Powers is Chief Administrative Officer for Seldin, LLC. She joined the committee in 2020.

Reece Ristau, Emspace + Lovgren

Reece Ristau is a Senior Communications and Public Relations Strategist for Emspace + Lovgren. He joined the committee in 2023.

Tessa Shaffer
Tessa Shaffer, McKinnis Roofing & Sheet Metal

Tessa Shaffer is Director of Marketing for McKinnis Roofing & Sheet Metal. She joined the committee in 2023.