Anonymous computer hacker sitting in front of a virtual screen.

Don't Get Stolen

BBB Serving the Fall Line Corridor's: Identity Theft Presentation    

What is Identity Theft?

Identity Theft occurs when someone uses your name or personal information, such as your Social Security number, driver's license number, Medicare ID number, account, bank card, or credit card numbers, without your permission.  

Bonnie & Clyde used to rob banks, now they sit behind computers and use stolen information to open new credit accounts, take over existing bank accounts, obtain new telephone service, open new utility services, make major purchases and even file false tax returns - all in your name. 

Identity Theft can result in damage to your credit rating, denial of credit and even denial of job offers.  Unfortunately, this is no longer an "if" crime, it is a "when"...and limiting your exposure is essential, in the fight against Identity Theft. 

This course brings will enlighten the learner to spot the hazards before becoming a victim.

Internet crime and electronic banking security

Identity Theft Victim?

Do you suspect that you may be a victim of identity theft?