About the SETX Student of Integrity Scholarships

From eligibility requirements to deadlines, here's the information you need to apply for a scholarship.


BBB Serving SETX “Student of Integrity” Award Program recognizes seniors in high school who personify high ethics demonstrated through leadership, overall personal integrity, and academic achievements. Selected students, chosen by an independent panel of judges, receive scholarships of $2,500.00 each, sent on their behalf to any accredited college or trade school of their choice. Scholarships will be distributed to the student’s college or trade school upon verification of enrollment. The scholarship must be applied toward school-related expenses, including: tuition, books, room and board, or other related items.  Award certificates will be presented to recipients at the May full board meeting and/or the student's school recogntion program.

Award Guidelines

Winners will be selected by independent judges chosen by BBB. Judges will select the scholarship recipients based on their leadership, contributions to their communities and schools, personal integrity, academic accomplishments, letter of reference, and written essay.  Decisions of the judges are final.

The applicant must be a U.S. citizen and a legal resident of Texas. The scholarship program is open to qualified, high school seniors in the following counties:  Chambers, Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Newton, Orange, Tyler and the Bolivar Peninsula.

Entries should include the completed online application detailing their leadership positions and community involvement, an essay written by the student, the student’s high school transcript and a letter of recommendation for the student from a teacher, school official, church official, community leader, employer, etc. (no family members, please.)

All submitted entries become the property of BBB and cannot be returned. Application process for 2025 will open in the fall. 

Complete Online Application

Incomplete entries will not be accepted or acknowledged. If a student is having problems submitting an application online or is not able to complete an online application please contact our office using the information at the bottom of the page. 


Students should demonstrate their commitment to high ethical behavior and provide documentation in the following areas:

Leadership 20%

  • Describe activities inside and outside of school in which you've had a leadership role. You may include sports, student clubs or organizations, church or special community activities. Include awards/honors, offices held and length of time participated.
  • Write a brief paragraph to reflect on what you learned as a leader as a result of your experiences.

Community Service 20%

  • Describe community service you have participated in (inside or outside of school). Include awards/honors or offices held and length of time participated.
  • List any paid work experience with dates of employment and job description (if applicable)
  • Write a brief paragraph to reflect on how these experiences impacted your attitude and behavior

Academic 10%

  • Enclose a copy of most recent transcript
  • Describe post-secondary education plans

Letter of Recommendation 10%

  • A letter of recommendation from a school official, church leader, employer or community leader that addresses the applicant's character.

Essay 40%

  • Please read the UncommonSense Framework, then select one of the 20 principles and share a personal experience to explain why you have chosen it and how it is applied to your life. The essay should be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750. 
  • All essays become property of BBB.  Winner’s names may be released to the public and news media for promotional purposes.

Download Information Sheet


The application process for 2025 will open in the fall.


Recipients of BBB Student of Integrity Awards will be asked to attend BBB’s full board meeting in May and/or to submit information on their school's recognition event.  The $2500 scholarship will be made payable and mailed directly to the winning students' selected college/trade school upon verification of enrollment provided by recipient. 


Please contact Darren Erwin at darrenerwin@bbbsetexas.org / 409-527-3733 or Candace Carver-Brooks at candacecarver@bbbsetexas.org /409-527-3718