Frequently asked questions about the Torch Awards in Dallas, Lubbock and Wichita Falls


What counties must the business have a physical presence to enter?

Archer, Bailey, Baylor, Borden, Clay, Cochran, Collin, Cooke, Cottle, Crosby, Dallas, Dawson, Delta, Denton, Dickens, Ellis, Fannin, Foard, Floyd, Garza, Gaines, Grayson, Hale, Hardeman, Haskell, Hockley, Hopkins, Hunt, Jack, Kaufman, Kent, King, Knox, Lamar, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Montague, Rockwall, Stonewall, Terry, Throckmorton, Wichita, Wilbarger, Yoakum, and Young.

Can corporate locations of a business in different BBB markets apply in each BBB market?

YES, but a business that is part of multiple locations (and which is not the HQ office) has the following options:

A subsidiary office is welcome to apply for the local Torch Awards hosted by their service area BBB, BUT these subsidiary offices while perhaps winning the local award are NOT eligible to go on subsequently to the International Torch Awards as the entry could be erroneously perceived as “corporate-wide” recognition.

To resolve this, the HQ office may enter the local Torch Awards in their service area and/or authentically partner with their local subsidiary in their local application and if THIS subsidiary/HQ entry prevails in its local Torch Awards competition it IS subsequently eligible to enter the International Torch Awards (and thereby represent all of its offices).

One of the criteria states – ‘has a physical presence’ – Does that mean an address in those counties? The company has customers that work there, but do not have an office in some of the listed locations.

It sounds like they have an office in one or more of the counties. The best practice would be to be sure they had an office in at least one county. An internet company could have customers in the service area but not have any office except in New York. We would not allow an entry from them.


How can I apply for the International Torch Awards?

All entrants for the International Torch Award for Ethics (ITAE) must first be winners of their local BBB business award program. BBBs in the United States and Canada conduct local competitions, forwarding winning entries for consideration in the International Torch Award competition. If a local BBB does not conduct a business award program, businesses in that BBB’s service area are deemed ineligible to enter the ITAE program. (Local non-profit honorees will not compete at the international level.)


On the entry form (exclusions) is the three years in business requirement calculated from the date the entry is submitted?


Businesses operating less than three years may apply for BBB's Spark Award which recognizes business owners 35 years old and under, or business owners of any age operating for less than three years, who demonstrate a higher level of character, generate a culture of trust that is authentic about its mission, and connect with their community.


What kind of documentation can I provide to prove financial integrity?

Evidence of financial integrity includes information such as a current credit report, a bank reference, vendor reference or a Dunn & Bradstreet report.


How should part-time, sub-contractors or volunteers be counted for the company size category?

Subcontractors and volunteers are not included in the employee count. Full-time and part-time employees only are included in the full count.


Can non-profits enter and compete with businesses?

Locally yes, they will be awarded in a separate non-profit category and must complete and meet the BBB Wise Giving Alliance’s 20 Standards for Charity Accountability. Internationally, no, there will be no non-profit category.


How do BBB’s count the number of employees used for the applicants looking at local vs. corporate, full-time and part-time?

The applicant is required to use the total number of employees for all corporate locations recognizing that two part-time employees, equals one full-time employee.


Can we award more than one award in each category?

Yes, that is up to the discretion of the local BBB and the judging committee.


We were recently acquired by another company. Are we still eligible to apply? If yes, do we need to apply under the old company or can we apply under the new company?

It depends on whether both businesses meet all of the other criteria. The bottom line is that your business embodies trust and can address questions such as: Did management change? Why the sale? Does the buyer have a record with the BBB?