View of Sedona, Arizona with trees, a shot of the mountain and a roadway with multiple cars leading into town

Kiva Hub | Northern Arizona

Are you working to get your business idea off the ground? Starting or scaling a business can be a difficult process, especially for small businesses. The Northern Arizona Kiva Hub at Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest (BBB) is here to help.

Northern Arizona Kiva Logo in Partnership with APS Northern Arizona Kiva Logo in Partnership with APS

Small Business Loans in Northern Arizona

BBB works with businesses to provide them with the resources they need. BBB partnered with Arizona Public Service (APS) to help entrepreneurs in Northern Arizona grow their businesses with access to small business loans through the Northern Arizona Kiva Hub.

Kiva is a global organization that offers a personal, micro-lending platform that empowers everyday people to crowdfund loans for their small businesses. Kiva’s platform is the perfect opportunity to turn a business concept into a reality. What makes Kiva even better is that each loan is delivered with zero interest and zero fees.

Opportunity for All: Northern Arizona Small Business Loans

The most economically underserved entrepreneurs remain to be women and minority-owned businesses. Banking roadblocks and financial institution hurdles impede many businesses from securing the capital they need for launching their next big idea.

The Northern Arizona Kiva Hub bridges the gap between an entrepreneurial idea, and a business reality. The Northern Arizona Kiva Hub guides entrepreneurs through the crowdfunding process to gain valuable capital without unnecessary fees.

An Honest Fit with BBB

With support from Arizona Public Service, BBB is a leading hub for business growth. Whether businesses are looking to start their business, gain access to capital, or further their online reputation, BBB is at the center of it all. It’s BBB’s mission to improve the lives of businesses throughout our community and create a more equitable opportunity for all.

Small Business Loans in Northern Arizona

BBB works with businesses to provide them with the resources they need. BBB partnered with Arizona Public Service (APS) to help entrepreneurs in Northern Arizona grow their businesses with access to small business loans through the Northern Arizona Kiva Hub.

Kiva is a global organization that offers a personal, micro-lending platform that empowers everyday people to crowdfund loans for their small businesses. Kiva’s platform is the perfect opportunity to turn a business concept into a reality. What makes Kiva even better is that each loan is delivered with zero interest and zero fees.

Opportunity for All: Northern Arizona Small Business Loans

The most economically underserved entrepreneurs remain to be women and minority-owned businesses. Banking roadblocks and financial institution hurdles impede many businesses from securing the capital they need for launching their next big idea.

The Northern Arizona Kiva Hub bridges the gap between an entrepreneurial idea, and a business reality. The Northern Arizona Kiva Hub guides entrepreneurs through the crowdfunding process to gain valuable capital without unnecessary fees.

An Honest Fit with BBB

With support from Arizona Public Service, BBB is a leading hub for business growth. Whether businesses are looking to start their business, gain access to capital, or further their online reputation, BBB is at the center of it all. It’s BBB’s mission to improve the lives of businesses throughout our community and create a more equitable opportunity for all.

Applying for a Northern Arizona Small Business Kiva Loan

Small business loans through the Northern Arizona Kiva Hub are 0% interest, with terms between 12 and 36 months, and range in amount from $1,000 to $15,000 for qualifying businesses. Unlike many financial institutions, Northern Arizona Kiva loans do not require a minimum credit score, cash flow documents, or business collateral.

Not in Northern Arizona? Click here to check for a Capital Access Manager in your area.

How to Qualify:

  • You and your business must be based in the United States.
  • You must be over 18 years old.
  • You must be using the loan for business purposes.
  • Your business must not be engaged in any of the following activities: multi-level marketing/direct sales; illegal activities (e.g. gambling, scams, etc.); or pure financial investing (e.g. stocks).
  • You cannot currently be in foreclosure, bankruptcy, or under any liens.
  • You must be willing to demonstrate your social capital by having a small number of your friends and family make a contribution to your loan request.

Application Checklist:

  • Gather Your Basic Financial Information
  • Have a Business Plan
  • Determine What Loan Amount You Are Applying For
  • Tell Your Story
  • Link Your Social Media Accounts
  • Begin Gathering A Support Network and Fundraising
  • Be Responsive to Kiva
  • Get Local Support
  • Start Your Kiva Application!

For a complete walkthrough of the application process, go to

What’s Next?

Contact the team at with any questions related to partnering with us to serve local entrepreneurs.

Want to Learn More About Our Entrepreneur Resources?

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