Sweepstakes scams

Scammers are increasingly targeting seniors with fake sweepstakes and jackpot scams. These fraudsters promise large cash prizes, vacations, or luxury items, but first, they ask for upfront fees, personal information, or bank details. Here’s how to spot and avoid these scams:

Unexpected wins: If you didn’t enter a sweepstakes, you can’t win. Be skeptical of unexpected prize notifications.

Upfront payments: Legitimate contests don’t require winners to pay fees or taxes upfront. Never send money to claim a prize.

Personal information: Be cautious about sharing personal or financial information. Scammers can use this to commit identity theft.

Pressure tactics: Scammers often create a sense of urgency. Take your time to verify the legitimacy of the offer.

Check the source: Research the organization contacting you. Legitimate companies will have verifiable contact information and won’t mind you taking time to confirm details.

Spread the word and help protect the seniors in your life from these deceitful tactics. If in doubt, report suspicious activities to local authorities or use BBB Scam Tracker. Stay safe and informed!