How to get more (positive) customer reviews

The problem: 

You’re not getting enough customer reviews.


You’re getting reviews, but they’re not always positive.


You need help asking for customer reviews.

If you’re a BBB Accredited Business, you’ve already taken one big step toward gaining positive reviews. After all, you’ve aligned yourself with an organization that prioritizes trust. And because BBB Accredited Businesses receive 16 times more positive reviews than non-accredited businesses, that’s a sign that trust, integrity and impeccable ethics matter to customers.

But how do you use those values to generate more positive reviews? Here are some tips.

Highlight the value BBB adds to your business

You’ve put a lot of energy into your operation, assembling a team, building a product or service that meets your customers’ needs. Your BBB Accreditation vouches for that dedication, and it’s the difference-maker in setting you apart from a sea of competitors. Your BBB Accreditation is a great thing to lean on when asking for reviews as it reminds customers that you’re dedicated to growing an ethical business and being responsive to their needs.

Point customers to your BBB Profile after a sale – especially those that found you on BBB. Ask them to share how you delivered a trustworthy experience.


Ask for reviews

While this might seem like a no-brainer, it’s worth investigating how you’re asking for reviews. If they aren’t coming in, then future customers aren’t getting the “social proof” they need to make decisions about your business.


Generating “social proof” is the goal, but there are even more reasons for putting more energy into “the ask”: You need enough reviews, they need to be recent, and you need to be responsive to them.

To bring it back to the title of this article, positive reviews are what you’re after. So, how do you ask for reviews?

Consumer reviews concepts with bubble people review comments and smartphone. rating or feedback for evaluate.innovation lifestyle

Again, your BBB Accreditation is something to highlight with customers. Emphasize how their thoughts are crucial in building your trust and credibility with future clients. Sharing how BBB takes the time to verify the reviews also points to your own dedication to authenticity. Because reviews generate trust through social proof, don’t let the moment pass to ask satisfied customers for BBB reviews.

Your BBB Accreditation is one piece of the puzzle. But before you send out hundreds of emails asking for reviews, there’s still an important step to take:

Earn the right to ask for reviews.

You’re not alone in this effort. Here are some people to rely on to help you:

1. Your team

Cropped shot of a group of coworkers having a meeting in the office to discuss ideas and future business propositions

Your team is on the front lines of customer interactions, so pull them into the conversation as you set your sights on gaining more reviews. Share with them why the company is BBB Accredited. Tell them why it’s important, how it aligns with your values, and what it means for your company culture.

Then, empower them to lean into the trust so many customers rely on when hiring a BBB Accredited Business. Continue to grow this trust by encouraging your team to do the following:

  • Make a lasting impression with customers. Be genuine, blow them away with your customer service, and then empower them with all they need to not only enjoy your products but spread the word about you. 
  • Connect with buyers post-purchase. Express to them how their thoughts matter to you, especially when it comes to trust. Ask them to chime into because it’s an organization that prioritizes trust.
  • Throw in an ask. If you’re shipping a product, make sure there’s a BBB review request tucked in with the product.
  • Send a text. If you’re delivering a service, send an SMS text after the visit – make a point of telling the customer you’d like them to share their thoughts on the experience on BBB.
  • Get personal. Make your request for reviews feel genuine, gracious and individual. If you have the first name of your customer, include it in your request.
  • Weave reviews into your marketing. When reviews come in, promote them on your website, social post or ads. Include the verbiage, “BBB Verified Review” to emphasize its significance.

2. Your responders

Shot of a cheerful young barman browsing on a digital tablet while patiently waiting at the bar for customers inside of a beer brewery during the day

The people who respond to reviews play a big role in the success of your review program, and one key tool at their disposal is your BBB Review Dashboard. This management system lets you see all the reviews submitted to your BBB Business profile and is designed to help nurture customer relationships through your reviews. Responses might also provide clarity or context to customer experiences.

For those running point on responding to reviews, emphasize how your responses add to the conversation, elevate your accountability, and show you’re listening.

Here are some tactics to use when responding to customer experiences: 

  • Thank your customers. Being gracious can go a long way. Customers like to be appreciated, and a simple “Thanks for trusting us!” might inspire them to (also) thank you.
  • Emphasize the value of their feedback, show them you truly care about their thoughts.
  • Is there something extra to offer them? If you have a coupon or add-on product, this might also show you are putting them above the product by offering to compensate them.
  • Acknowledge their time. It takes a minute to sit down and write a review. Take the time to let them know you’re grateful for them taking the time.
  • Highlight customer stories online. Public appreciation is key. In a social media post, or on your website – put a spotlight on the customers that helped get you to where you are. Show how their reviews have impacted your business, tag them in your posts when possible, and always add a heartfelt “thanks!”
  • Show your willingness to listen and learn. You want to be better, and customers are giving you that chance with their reviews. Seize it and show the readers of those reviews that you’re always in a learning mindset.
  • Be prompt in responding. Going back to the time customers invest, strive to provide quick responses to customer reviews, positive or negative. Your willingness to be on the ball shows you care.

3. Your customers

Yes, your customers can help you gain more reviews if you make it easy for them to share their experiences. (No one wants to slog through finding the right webpage, creating an account, typing out their review, filling out multiple fields, checking a box, submitting, confirming they’re a human, reviewing their submission…before finally publishing their review.)

Make it easy for customers by giving them clear instructions and an easy path to write a review. As a reminder, you can always point them to BBB’s review page, or reach out to your BBB representative to get a direct review link to your business.  

4. BBB

If you haven’t already, connect with your BBB representative to gain access to the newly launched BBB Review Toolkit.

Your BBB Accreditation gives you access to the BBB Review Toolkit.

This exclusive kit is designed to give you everything you need to upgrade your review strategy. It’s free for BBB Accredited Businesses and includes everything from submit-a-review downloads and decals to exclusive resources and tips for your review program.

To learn more about your BBB Review Toolkit, log into your portal today.


Final thoughts

Laptop open to BBB Customer Review webpage.

No matter how catchy or honest your advertising is, a recommendation from a real person will always carry more weight. Your BBB reviews are the social proof that you’re doing things right, especially when you consider the BBB Directory attracts millions of visitors a year. 

Those are people looking for a business they can trust, and they confirm that trust by reading the reviews on 

Remember: When someone takes the time to write a review, it’s not just a testimonial to your business’s product or services – but to everything you’ve built. They define your reputation, reflect how you do things, and when firing on all cylinders, they can drive sales for your company. 

Whether it’s getting more customer reviews, generating trust in your reviews, staying responsive to your reviews, and even asking for reviews – it doesn’t need to be a headache. Get started with the tools and tips in the BBB Reviews Toolkit and keep us posted. We’re with you every step of the way.