10 Ways to Keep Your Marketing Budget Under $10K

How much should your small business spend on marketing each year?

Well, technically, that’s up to you. The final costs will be different for every reader of this article depending on your industry, how often customers need your products, how much competition you have, and other factors.

So, can you have a marketing budget under $10K per year? Quite possibly, but here’s the thing: 

$10K is just a number.  

Whatever the size of your marketing budget, you likely want it to be smaller without sacrificing results. But $10K is easier to wrap your head around than, say, five to ten percent of your annual revenue. 

That said, the strategies below could all be part of a marketing budget in the $10K range. But most importantly, the tips and tactics mentioned in this article are all accessible to Accredited Businesses. The big bonus is that you have our team to rely on for advice, access and campaign management.

Calculating an annual marketing budget is nuanced. But it starts with knowing what cost-effective options are available to you. Here are 10 marketing campaigns (and cost examples) to consider for your annual marketing plan.


1. Invest in flexible Google advertising packages

It’s no secret that Google's advertising platforms allow businesses to target their ads to specific audiences more likely to be interested in their products or services, often leading to a good return on investment.

They’re targeted, optimizable, measurable and because of all those factors – highly cost-effective. And if you’re hesitant to dive into the complexities of Google advertising, remember: Our Marketing Solutions Team can handle the nitty-gritty. We’ll find the campaign and pricing model that works for your budget and advertising goals.

2. Lean into the power of email marketing

email marketing concept, person reading e-mail on smartphone, receive new message

Inevitably, there will be times when your company needs to get a marketing message out fast. It could be for a seasonal sale; maybe you’re trying to increase customers in down times. For these scenarios, targeted email blasts are a tried-and-true tactic to employ.

The key is building a list of engaged subscribers and then crafting an email blast that resonates with them. When done correctly, a good marketing email nurtures leads instantly, producing the conversions you’re after. As for your annual budget, the affordability factor is a plus. 

If you can dedicate some of your budget to email marketing each year, these campaigns are offered at $3,650.00.


3. Leverage social media advertising

First things first: If you’re going to use social media, make sure you’re on the right platform. Here’s our quick reference guide:



Source: Hootsuite

Once you’ve locked in the best social media platform for your business, look into the channel’s advertising options. These are great marketing channels for small businesses to reach their target audience without breaking the bank. With options like boosted posts and targeted ads, businesses can maximize their ad spend to resonate with social audiences.

To give a reference point for the cost of social ads, Facebook ads cost approximately 69¢ per click. This calculates to around $9.88 per 1,000 impressions (clicks).


4. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization

Website admins using SEO tools to get their websites ranked in top search rankings in search engine. Website improvement concept to make search results higher.

If you’ve got a website, it’s marketing 101 to put some money into your SEO. Short for Search Engine Optimization, this tactic is geared toward improving your brand’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPS). There are both immediate and longer-term steps like:

  • Incorporating consistent keywords throughout your website
  • Keeping your site user-friendly, and updating titles and meta descriptions (the short “snippet” previews that describe a webpage in a search result)
  • Getting other websites to link to yours (these are known as backlinks)
  • Using the BBB Dynamic Seal, which links your web presence to BBB

Because of the current demand for help with SEO, Accredited Businesses have access to three different SEO packages for national campaigns, local SEO, or Google My Business Optimization.


5. Advertise on BBB.org

The BBB Directory is square one for consumers looking for trust. Getting listed on the site is just the start, though. Accredited Businesses can explore boosting their brand visibility with a BBB.org ad.

This could be in the form of a banner on BBB’s homepage or key internal web pages, or an enhanced listing at the top of a directory page. Your ad can link to your BBB Business Profile or website of your choice. Another thing to consider, is that not always, but sometimes, these ads are more competitively priced than Google ad options.

Here are two major benefits:

  • For customers in the mindset to find a trusted business in your industry on BBB, these ads are designed to make you a top contender for their purchase.
  • These ads are available on a limited basis. This means your ad will be among a handful of similar ads, but not lost in a sea of competitors. If there is an opening for placing an ad in your industry’s space on BBB, act on it!

6. Upgrade your website

Two Designers With Laptop Meeting In Modern Office

If you’ve got a website, it’s worth checking to see how it holds up next to others in your industry. Having a fresh, up-to-date website can give your business a competitive edge with customers.

Design and usability carry a lot of weight in creating trust, so take the time to run an audit of the look, feel and usability of your brand’s online home. SEO is part of this (mentioned above), but also consider making regular updates to pricing, products, services, promotions, or company updates. 

Lastly, with more than 82% of shoppers using ‘near me’ searches to find a business, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. This can improve user experience and accessibility for users browsing on smartphones and tablets.

As for hiring someone to update your website, web designers will have varying costs, but many will fall in the $30 to $100-plus an hour range.


7. Embrace out-of-home advertising

Focusing on cost-effective options like digital display or transit ads can increase your brand awareness in your community. The tangibility of bus ads, especially, can be more relatable and trustworthy to consumers discovering them in neighborhoods and city centers.

This localized presence can create a sense of familiarity and authenticity for thousands of drivers, pedestrians and other travelers who happen upon your ad.

Remember: We’ve got the design team to help you piece together a dynamic ad that resonates with those who see it.

* Digital display ads are only available in Denver

* Bus ads are available in Western Washington, Portland and Denver


8. Make a marketing video

Young Asia lady fashion designer using mobile phone receiving purchase order and showing clothes recording video live streaming online at shop. Small business owner, online market delivery concept.

Hiring videos, product videos, educational videos, team-building videos, social media videos – everyone’s using video these days. And why not? They’re highly engaging and can capture a viewer’s attention quickly.

From your website to your social channels, a compelling and informative video can do wonders at increasing audience engagement, impacting SEO rankings, and telling the story of your brand.

With more and more companies stepping up their video production efforts, we’ve stepped up ours, too. Our video team is ready to produce videos for your organization to maximize your reach and impact.

Priced under $2,000, our custom video offering can also include not only live footage, but also animation, product demonstrations, voiceovers and hand-picked music.


9. Co-brand with BBB to launch a billboard campaign

There are several benefits to billboard advertising: 24/7 exposure, targeting a specific geographic location, visibility in high-traffic areas, local impact in your community, but it might seem challenging to put a campaign together.

While the initial cost of billboard advertising might seem significant, when compared to mediums like TV or radio, billboards can be a more cost-effective way to reach a broad audience over an extended period. And because we have a combination of an in-house design team paired with our connections to billboard vendors, we’ve found budget-friendly options for our Accredited Businesses.

*Note: Co-branded BBB Billboards are subject to availability by location.


10. Get involved in the community

Whether it’s sponsoring an event, appearing at a tradeshow, or throwing your support behind a community cause, there are countless ways to promote your business.

Compared to traditional advertising channels, community-focused sponsorship is a cost-effective way for small businesses to generate goodwill, brand awareness, and customer loyalty within their local community. This could be for an event, a charity, a little league team, or even an awards program (we’re always on the lookout for BBB Awards sponsors if you’re interested.)

The long-term benefits of community involvement are all about building trust. A localized approach creates a personal connection with neighbors, partners and friends, showing that your business values the well-being of the community.

Final thoughts

Finance, accounting and fintech, a man on a computer and calculator working out his business budget strategy. Businessman at his office desk, laptop, money management and financial investment online.

You could mix and match any or all these marketing strategies and keep your budget under $10K. Start by creating a budget, then allocate how these dollars will go to work for your business. As you measure every dollar’s impact, you’ll pinpoint the right strategy – at the right time – for your business.

As for who to turn to for help, if you’re running an Accredited Business, you already “know someone.” Your relationship with BBB is a great foundation to work from. Because of that relationship, we can launch straight into finding a marketing strategy that fits your budget while fulfilling your marketing goals.

As always, our Marketing Solutions team is available to talk about your marketing strategies in a no-pressure, no-nonsense conversation. Reach out anytime, and if we can find a way to create a marketing campaign uniquely tailored to your brand, we’re ready to put it into action.