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Longmeadow, MABBB AUTO LINE ®
Lemon Law or auto warranty dispute? Let us help. Fast, free, and fair. Find out how BBB AUTO LINE can resolve your dispute.
I have always valued your organization. I am extremely pleased with the quick response, especially during the pandemic.
Deirdre H
Beverly, MA
When someone calls in to tell us what a great job we are doing, we direct them to BBB because it is a more reputable organization than some of the on-line reviews. BBB actually confirms that the individual is a customer and that their review is legitimate. The on-line companies do not give you that option. We have had people give poor reviews that are not even our customers.
Shelly P
East Freetown, MA
I use the [BBB] video a lot on my website because people think that we only service black women. But our video helped clear up the misconception because it featured a white woman who experienced medical hair loss.
Nikia L
Hyde Park, MA