Charity Report

  • Issued: August 2023
  • Expires: August 2025

THANC (Thyroid, Head And Neck Cancer) Foundation

Review In Progress


10 Union Sqare East Suite 5B
New York, NY 10003


10 Union Sqare East Suite 5B
New York, NY 10003

Review In Progress

BBB Comment

This organization has provided current materials to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). When a report is complete, it will be available at no charge by contacting this office or by visiting our website. If the organization is a charity, the report will also include the results of an evaluation in relation to the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability. The BBB reports on charities and determines if they meet 20 voluntary standards on matters such as charity governance, finances, fundraising, and donor privacy. The BBB does not evaluate the worthiness of a charitable program.

An organization may change its practices at any time without notice. A copy of this report has been shared with the organization prior to publication. It is not intended to recommend or deprecate, and is furnished solely to assist you in exercising your own judgment. If the report is about a charity and states the charity meets or does not meet the  Standards for Charity Accountability, it reflects the results of an evaluation of information and materials provided voluntarily by the charity. The name Better Business Bureau ® is a registered service mark of International Association of Better Business Bureaus.

This report is not to be used for fundraising or promotional purposes.