BBB Business Tip: Small Business Week is here
Small Business Week has traditionally been celebrated in early May. BBB and the Small Business Administration (SBA) are always celebrating the millions of small businesses that make our economy work and that contribute to BBB’s mission of trust in the marketplace!
Please check out our new business resources page and our business news feed.
Let’s face it. Businesses nationwide have faced unprecedented challenges in the last three years. Now that we are post-pandemic, office life has become work-from-home with the kids, pets, and spouses. Video conferences and cell phone screens became the window to the outdoor world and the connections between employer/employee.
However, the doors are swinging back open for business. Small Business Week highlights local business owners; many of them are being hailed as heroes for surviving this unprecedented time. They’ve carried on by supporting their community through acts of kindness, connecting with regular customers, or developing creative ways to keep their staff employed.
BBB and the Small Business Administration (SBA) celebrate small business owners' perseverance, strength, and optimism. This week is also an ideal time to build on many people's trust in small businesses in their community.
Are you ready?
Showcase local pride
This week, BBB intends to educate small businesses and the communities they support. Small businesses truly are the lifeblood of a thriving local economy and create unique communities of businesspeople supporting one another. Be alert for business tips all this week to help you grow your business.
Celebrate. Participate.
BBB encourages everyone to visit a favorite small business. The more you can buy locally, the more you boost the local economy and support small, locally-owned businesses.
Be open to new ideas
Many small business owners have had to adapt their strategies to meet changing market demands and consumer preferences. BBB has been steadily producing content to help businesses cope with challenges; check out our business content HQ page. Depending on the unique circumstances of each business, the traditional business model may need to evolve. BBB has tips to help you handle the new normal.
Entrepreneurs: Do you have an idea for a new type of business? Perhaps the quarantine allowed for creativity or a "what if" moment. Resources are available at your local BBB to explore a business concept, an online business, or even a partnership somewhere in your community.
Employers: Praise your team
This has been and continues to be challenging from the cashier to the stockroom. Hardworking employees are ambassadors for a business. They tell your company’s story, not just in person but online too. Make sure they know and understand they’re appreciated. Without employees, your business wouldn’t thrive. Your employees each have a special contribution to the success of your small business. Celebrate Small Business Week with a special treat for your staff. See our business tip on valuing people over profit for long-term success.
Spread the word on social media
Small Business Week has its own hashtags, including #SmallBusinessWeek. These are used nationwide in the U.S. and can help direct customers to your brand’s website or social media accounts. Use your social media accounts to invite your customers to visit your business and help you celebrate Small Business Week.
Consider running a giveaway or promotion that incorporates local shopping. Enter every customer that @ or # tags you in their social media posts into a giveaway for a product, complimentary service, or discount. Keep the energy going all week by getting creative and a little personal. Post pictures of how you started your business, tell the story behind your passion for your products, and have small videos showing the behind-the-scenes of your business.
Customer appreciation
Thank the community that helped your small business stay alive during unprecedented times. Invite new customers that may be looking for something new. A genuine “thank you” promotion helps increase customer loyalty and invites clients to partner in your success. Authenticity and transparency are what your customers desire.
BBB invites small businesses to step forward and shine. With creativity and enthusiasm, leverage the exposure of Small Business Week into a greater awareness of your brand. Let BBB help you.
Read 5 team development tips that will help small businesses grow.
For more information
Visit BBB.org/get-accredited to learn how trust, honesty, and integrity can be integral to your business’ success.
Check out BBB's biz HQ for more tips and information.
Starting a new business? Visit BBB.org/newbiz for more resources on starting a new business.
Still Need Assistance?
Contact Your Local BBB
Your local Better Business Bureau can assist you with finding businesses you can trust. Start With Trust®.
Additional Resources
Central Ohio BBB Business Podcast