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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I have $600,000 on my invested account in the Loboex platform. When I finished the withdrawal process, I could not log in to the platform. Then I contact the customer service of the platform and was notified that my account was temporarily suspended because I violated the rules. after that I offer my bank account and ID as they asked for it to let them to review. They clearly state that the review time is 12-24 hours. My account is still frozen after 30 hours, When I contact customer service. I was told that I was suspected of money laundering, and I needed to provide a 30% deposit of more than $180,000 to the platform within 7 days, so that I could have a chance to unfreeze. Otherwise my account would be transferred to the relevant government department and permanently frozen. My investment funds come from my 401K and the bank deposits of my family and friends also I have not laundered money. They can find it in my checking account. Within 7 days to pay a deposit of $180,000 to investigate the problem. I think I have been deceived. Please help the relevant departments to investigate whether the platform is legal to do this. Thank you.

Targeted Person's Location

NY, USA- 10306

Scammer Information
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New York City, NY

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Unknown Email

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Unknown Phone Number

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digital asset derivatives trading platform

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Business name

Crypto-Investment Scam

Date Reported

February 26, 2023

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