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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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U invest in a real crypto exchange , u can buy, sell whatever. Went u buy, or sell, u make money or lose money. That’s real, but when u win, like me, I found that I can trade well, I made over a million over a short span of time. It was went u try to withdraw money, that the scam kick in, in small amount, they try to stall u saying I need to let the operational flow finish, use the same line everytime, I knew some of my fellow trader , it’s the same with everyone, but when I try to withdraw a large amount, let say 100000, they say I got to pay tax on $ 2.3 million first. That is without supplying me with a profit/ lost statement. How? I walk up to IRS and tell them I need to play tax, they take my word for it? After arguing with them for quiet a while, they close my account and with a parting sentence, you need to pay your tax first. How can u do that without my express permission? And where is my money, only I can’t log into my account anymore

Targeted Person's Location

LA, USA- 70363

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Redmond, WA- 98052

Mobile logo

(202) 391-3200

Web logo

Scam Type


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Business name


Date Reported

April 4, 2023

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