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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.
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The scammer was met at a Chinese social media called WeChat. He acted like a crypto and stock trading expert and persuaded me to download an app named USDCC Ex from Apple Store and also the USDCC website. He then persuaded me to transfer my digital assets/crypto to this platform to trade. That app turned out to be a pig butchering scam platform. It is a fake cryptocurrency exchange platform controlled by the scammers. They allowed you to withdraw a small amount of money the first time but then you will never be successful with your cryptocurrency withdrawal. I have lost about $6000 on this platform which is now being frozen for ever. Their fake customer support keeps telling you to wait patiently and they have no controls over the blockchain speed.
AZ, USA- 85234
Unknown Email
Unknown Phone Number
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Cryptocurrency investment
June 11, 2023
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