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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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To the person who is reading this…I hope that somehow this brightens up your day just a little while still relating to your work. I am writing to inform you about a company I believe to be fraudulent based on the experience that I just encountered with them. I quickly realized that these individuals seem to be from another country, as they all seem to have the same accent. I am quite good at recognizing accents and my educated guess would be that they are from the country of India. They keep calling from numbers with area code (657) from California (Anaheim, Santa Ana, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Orange, and Fullerton areas), followed by 467, but the rest of the numbers are always different. Such as (657) 467-4154; (657) 467-4218; (657) 467-4188; (657) 467-4158; and many others. There seems to be an entire team of individuals. This company goes by the name CREDENCE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, with the website The phone number they have listed is (855) 880-4791 with the business address at 6045 Atlantic Blvd. Peachtree Corners, GA 30071. Yet on their website they state that they are based in Dallas, Texas. This company has been calling me over and over again for weeks, each time from a different number (as stated below) even though I blocked them. I don’t answer phone numbers I do not recognize. YES…I screen my calls, and they never left a message. But finally, I decided to answer this call. Upon asking them who they were, what they do, and why were they calling me, they proceed to ask me for my name. I gave them a ‘false’ name and I asked them again why they were calling me, and what they do, but still they could not give me a straight answer. All they said is that they “deal with business proceedings” which is incredibly vague as all businesses do this (deep eye roll and big sigh). They tell me that there is money owed, but there is no detail about it, and call “drops”. Oh it dropped alright…I was not about to give up on what just occurred. So, of course I call back and they say that they want to speak to (the false name I gave them) and I tell them that there is no one there by that name at this number. This is when I truly felt that this was most probably a scam. If a company is calling a certain number for weeks, shouldn’t they KNOW WHO they are calling. By giving a false name this proved to me that this company was not quite legit and probably a scam/ fraudulent company. When I went on their website, it looked so simple, almost primitive if that’s even possible. Turns out, it is possible…it states on their website that they have been in business since 1988…it looks like that is when this website was made and it hasn’t changed since (LOL). I am suppose to believe that a company with this big team with some kind of asset protection (tech) company, that has been in business for 35 years, with a subpar website is a legitimate company? Certainly didn’t look or feel like it. Something about this entire business practice, unwarranted phone calls, the fact that NOT ONE person could explain to me what they do, without asking my name first or wanting some form of information from me FIRST, and not being able to speak to any kind of manager or supervisor anytime I called. There is an entire slew of evidence that just does not seem add up to me. Needless to say, that I let them know that I thought that their company was a fraud and that they are trying to scam me, I reprimanded them a bit, and basically told them that the JIG IS UP!! (LOLOL)!! And…here we are. Me recalling to you the events of what occurred on this day, August 16, 2023. I have never inquired about this company EVER, then why have they repeatedly been calling me without having a clue as to who I am? This to me sounds like fraudulent activity and I am taking the time to report it, and I hope you do the same. Please take heed and look into this company to see if this is in fact a fraudulent company because it definitely felt like one to me. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your consideration. All the best! P.S. Hope you had a little laugh and you enjoy your day!

Targeted Person's Location

Unknown Location

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

West Hollywood, CA- 90069

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(855) 880-4791

Web logo


Scam Type


Learn More

Business name


Date Reported

August 16, 2023

Scam ID


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