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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I originally received a text message on Tuesday August 15th, 2023 from phone number 724-322-1328 allegedly from Jimmy Donaldson aka MrBeast (Youtube). I thought it was spam so I had marked it as spam. Then after talking with a couple moms and my son recently they explained to me that this person is legit. So I unblocked the number and allowed it. I am currently facing eviction and thought my luck might be changing so I gave in and texted Jimmy's so called manager Reed Duchseher at 603-825-8177 and gave him the code that was provided in the text message from Jimmy. So then today December 15th I received a text from "Reed" asking "how are you?" I responded and then texts were exchanged they asked if I still needed their help. So I told them yes after telling my current situation about losing my home, being a single mom, etc. So then "Reed" asked if $10,000 would be enough for bills? I didn't think they were serious as I stated in my text back to "Reed" and "Reed" responded with "It seems you don't know who Mr beast is? I did previously look up both of these people and the names are legitimate. "Reed" then asked for my name and where I was located which I provided and then asked for my Full name, Address, Gender, Age, Marital Status, and Occupation. So I provided that information to "Reed" and then "Reed" responded back stating that "I need you to promise me that you will spend the money wisely on what you have promised to me spend it on. If you can do that then I will help you out." I responded back stating that I promised to use it on bills. Then he sent a picture and a text stating "Now that you have promised that you will the wisely, you will have to go to the store and get a $100 vanilla gift card for authorization of the money I wanna send you. The reason I'm asking you to get the card is because the money I'm about to send to you is on my brokerage account so the authorization needs to be done before I can be able to send the money to you. Here is an example of someone I sent $10,000 to his debit card 3 hours ago. So go ahead and get the card now so that I can help you too coz thats how I have been helping others too." So I went to Walgreens and purchased the gift card for $100 and then texted him back stating I had bought the card. "Reed" then asked me to send a picture of the receipt both front and back which I did. "Reed" then asked me to send a picture of the card front and back as well which I did. Later I received another text and picture stating the Money transaction was at 75% along with this text "I have completely loaded the money on your card but unfortunately it asked me for a verification before the money can appear on your card so I already started the verification but unfortunately it stopped at 75% so you'll have to get another card of $100 to complete the verification. I'm sending you the screenshot so you can believe that I'm really working on this and not playing you at all." I had checked the balance of the card and there was already a charge for $99.98 to Bluecybernauts. I responded to the text stating I did see the previous text but did ask what the $99.98 charge was for. I got a text back from "Reed" stating "I have already loaded the money on the vanilla card but the verification stops at 75% that why you need to get $100 more so that the verification will be completed and you can have access to the money." I was very hesitant after this text message so I decided to call the Better Business Bureau in Omaha where I had explained this entire situation and the representative from the BBB explained to me that this was a scam. The two names used are legitimate but someone is using these 2 individuals' names to scam innocent victims such as myself.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

NE, USA- 68114

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Witchita, KS

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(724) 322-1328

Web logo

Unknown URL

Scam Type


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Business name


Date Reported

December 15, 2023

Scam ID


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