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Being at your mentally lowest and considering all options to leave this world due to depression is a scary place to be. That is where I was 3.5 years ago after a tough break up and as a novice ***** in the middle of a pandemic. I needed guidance or a sign to stay here and that is when I turned to entertainment from a psychic. "Miss Crystal" answered my phone call right away she had a cute little office about 20 steps from my apartment. Earlier that day I was sitting in my dark apartment on a rainy Sunday sad and lonely and I was desperately seeking a sign that life would be worth continuing. I quickly used a google search and found 300 positive reviews about Crystal and figured this is it maybe she can help, but unfortunately I was wrong. Crystal preyed on my sadness and weakness claiming I had a dark spirit attached to me that has been with me since childhood. She even claimed that I was "lucky to be alive" and insinuating that this spirit should've killed me a long time ago it was that evil. She promised to reunite me with my "twin flame" who I had recently broken up with. She instilled a fear into me yet gave me a ton of hope that if I just did what she said I would be free and would live happily ever after with my partner. She initially asked for 9000 dollars, 9 red roses, 9 white roses, and a black pillow case. This would all be taken back to her "alter" where she would start to perform a ritual that would free me from this darkness. She claimed that this money would never be used by that money is "power" and is needed to strengthen the ritual. Soon after it became that she needed more and more money for rituals and spells. Crystals, oils, candles were being used consistently. I needed to buy flowers endlessly for these "love spells." I always voiced my concerns as I was working so hard as a ***** to have all my money going to her was slowly draining me. Every time I voiced these concerns she would say to just keep going and do not let this darkness win because if it does then I will most likely not survive it. Overall, Crystal seemed to care deeply for me. She was always there and I believed that she was my friend. After 2 years of this and finally coming to my senses and seeking professional help I knew I was being scammed. I had slowly stopped hearing from Crystal as well who was usually checking in on me daily. She would then only come around to say she is still working through the rituals but needed more power (money). I finally told her to never contact me again. I reported her and the roughly $25,000 she scammed me out of to the Plainsboro Police Department. I went on to a scam pulse website that had multiple reviews of hers that proved she is a scam artist. Its been nearly a year now since I told her goodbye. I am recovering from her mentally and financially but I know I must try and stop her so she may never hurt another innocent person again.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

NJ, USA- 08054

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Plainsboro, NJ- 08536

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Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(609) 721-7533

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Scam Type


Learn More

Business name

Plainsboro Psychic

Date Reported

December 28, 2023

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