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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.
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The scammer used the initial amount to inform me I would make thousands of dollars. He then started to phone me two times per week telling me I needed to invest more in crypto currency to see real results. When I was not receptive to his demands I started to get phone calls from three other so called scammers attempting me to invest with them in crypto currencies and really get large rewards. My account with SwissCoinco increased by $42.09 which I believe was an ascensive to invest more. I HAVE FOR THE PAST TIME REQUESTED THE SCAMMERS TO RETURN MY ORIGINAL INVESTMENT OF US $250 BUT TO NO AVAIL, I have been given the run around with no return calls to attend to my request. My original contact at the Swiissco was a Mr. Alex Browm ID 80396257 ( I am sure they are fictitious names)
ON, CAN- M4Y 2S2
Unknown Location
(442) 038-6878
[email protected] Euro House, Richmond Hill Road Kingstown PO Box2897, VC0100 Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines
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CryptoCurrency - SwissCoinco
April 12, 2024
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