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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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Hello, I reported my crypto scam just a couple of days ago. Just last night, I suddenly found something very juicy, and I realized this is a big scam network. I have successfully found one of these scammers' contact info and working place, I also have their emails, all the conversation records, and emails. I think they are in the States. The primary one is the fake Michael Burry, who lied to me with MB's identification and I trusted him. He introduced me to two trading websites and used the fake profits to lure me to the black hole. Major members involved: - Michael Burry (fake one) - Katrina Thomas / [email protected] * Carol Howard (black woman)/ [email protected] (middle name Holmes) - Sheerena Dixon / FL Quincy / @ sherrena74 Instagram (black woman) - Jessica Lozano / cash app @$jlozano787322 - Lydia Abreu / cash app account @$leabreu79 - Sarah Watson / representative of the website / [email protected] Once, I insisted on not paying in BTC, but only Zelle or bank account for the fee that MB claimed he put into my trade account in order to help me out, I did not know it and never asked for it. He was so hesitant and gave me two email contacts When I tried to send the money to their account, the bank app automatically showed their names(it means those two have accounts in BoA): Katrina and Carol. However, their email did not connect to their Zelle, so it failed, but I have transaction records. Last night, I found some clue important, a search website ( showed me that [email protected] belongs to Carol Howard, which matches the name on my app transaction record, thanks to the picture she has online, then I found out that she is working in Bank of America, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. which the picture of her as same as the one from that website that found out her info by email. (This explains something at some point) ... Her social: Why are those two people important they have a close relationship with the fake MB and manage a Telegram account for him. I did not have Telegram, but he asked me to download it, and I did, also he needed my phone and I gave it to him, so they added me to that account, where I can see two people's contact info: [email protected] and [email protected] I was not sure whom I was talking to on May 18, 2024. The person asked me to buy a $50 Steam gift card as a favour to update their PC system. I asked him how they could use Steam cards to update their PC, but they were unable to provide a clear answer. Additionally, there were grammar mistakes in our conversations that seemed suspicious. I even asked them to take pictures to prove that they were the real person MB, but they refused with an excuse that also had grammar mistakes. Finally, I realized that I had been fooled into trusting someone online who was not who they claimed to be. IF Carol is the one I was talking to, then I don't know how could she do the job at BoA and be a professor in two schools. So, another one Katrina Thomas is more suspicious. An important detail, my mobile does NOT have Instagram, only Telegram MB asked me to have it, so when I am not home, I can only communicate with him through Tele. I told him. That Sat afternoon, I was talking to "him" via Tele, and the whole conversation occurred on Tele, not IG, the fake MB usually focuses on IG, not Tele, that made sense when I insisted on having their pic and asked them to explain how to use game card to update their PC, they are not able to answer then suggested me back to the IG, which is what MB in charge. When I got home, I asked him right away on IG why asked me to buy him a Steam card, his first reaction was "When did I ask you to buy a Steam card?"... I am not able to find Jessica and Lydia's info, but they all have Cash App accounts, Lydia is a black woman for sure cos once MB asked me to transfer to the address he gave me, the address showed me a face picture of her, so I am positive, she is a black woman. Based on my conversations with this fake MB, he is an investor and has been working on it for a long time. No clue where he is working. If he also works at some Financial institute, then he could easily use resources for his own gain. He has a big network team, and different members have different duties. Jessica and Lydia are his cashiers as he mentioned once. In the beginning, they told me they needed my bank info and ID to create a trade account, I trusted him and gave them everything. However, they used my info and scammed me for a long time. I checked my cash app, all the transactions went to those two folks. I never wanted this and I told him many times that I AM not interested in digital currency, but he fooled me that he would teach me other investments in the future, for now, just invested the BTC. He used my trust in real MB and fooled me so badly. Another detail is regarding the websites. Those two websites are still active, I registered accounts as he requested. This is the one that generates a lot, one of the representatives is Sarah Watson (maybe real maybe not) she promised to help, MB told me that she is from the higher-ranking trading department. she told me she was going to Germany but when she emailed me from somewhere, MB came to me with his nerves and asked me why she used her personal email to contact me, I explained she promised to help me. Her email: [email protected] is still active, why MB was so nervous? Apparently, they don't want their personal info released. Sarah is not the representative, the previous one called Gordon (I can't remember his name) is even worse, he also doesn't sound like a native English speaker, cos his words always mislead you with the odd grammar structure. MB mentioned he is always in contact with the CEO of those websites, who is the CEO? and WHO is this fake MB, are there any more people in charge of everything behind the scenes? how many people have they scammed? I discovered the clue last night and feel compelled to report it to you. I really wanted to report it in person and explain the whole story with all I remember, but there is NO such chance to do so. I called this morning, someone told me to report it again with what I have discovered. As you can see here, this is a big scam network that contains many many people, and they have been doing this for a long time, they scammed my savings, and I have been desperate for a long time. Now, you have a clue, Carol Howard, she is the one you can investigate. (I mentioned before why she works in BoA can explain something, because some employees in BoA can easily find people's info in the Bank system, they know everything about you, so when I gave them my info, she could easily take advantage of the system to find more about me, so that they know if the investors are worthy to target.) You can use her to lure others out. I believe the FBI needs a solid plan for investigating and understanding the complexity of its system and the number of people involved. If anyone can approach me for more information, I'm willing to offer additional support for the investigation. I hope this isn't a scam and that the promised profits are real, but the suspicious details are very concerning. I know your job is demanding, but I still hope to hear from you soon. Please help, as we want to prevent further victims. This guy stole Michael Burry's identification online and misled investors into his trap. I also wish the real Michael Burry could also come out to sue him for justice.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

MA, USA- 02134

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Charlotte, NC

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Unknown Phone Number

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Date Reported

June 6, 2024

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