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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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shows ad for diet plan that Kelly Clarkson/ Shark Tank approved. If you click on it takes you to the scam site and locks you in then even adds additional items for more money. Won't even let you back out. Of course, you already have entered a credit card. These companies are banking on being so ashamed you'll just pay, which I considered. But after talking to a real helpful customer card representative changed my mind. The card company is filing papers against this company etc. I've never have been so ashamed of being duped and thought I knew better. I do now. I reported the total Amount I could lose but my credit card is fighting the charge. This is bigger scam that anyone thinks and people just wanting to lose weight are being targeted. Sad but true including me.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

IL, USA- 61705

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Lakeland, FL- 33804

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(844) 222-4215

Web logo


Scam Type

Counterfeit Product

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Business name


Date Reported

June 7, 2024

Scam ID


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