Business Profile
Jax Handyman Warranty / Service & Repair Corp.Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Handyman.
This business has 1 alert
Important information
- Advertising Review:In July 2022, BBB contacted Jax Handyman Warranty / Service & Repair Corp regarding claims in its advertising, including '100% Satisfaction Guarantee.'
According to the BBB Code of Advertising, when using the term “guarantee” in advertising, the advertiser must clearly and conspicuously include a statement that the complete details of the warranty can be seen prior to sale at the advertiser's location or viewed on the advertiser’s website. Advertisers should only use “satisfaction guarantee” in advertising if the seller refunds the full purchase price of the advertised product or service at the consumer's request. BBB requested that the business add the terms of its warranty wherever it is advertised and if its policy does not include refunding the full purchase price at the customer's request, consider modifying the "100% Satisfaction Guarantee" claim. The business did not respond or modify the claim.