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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Order Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Dear Better Business Bureau,I am filing a complaint against Helicon USA for deceptive practices regarding a retaining wall project at ************************************************On October 13, 2023, I signed a contract with Helicon *** and paid $5,810.68 to address issues with my retaining wall. The work was done in December 2023, with the promise to stop lateral movement. Instead, the problem worsened. An independent engineers report confirms that the foam injection applied by Helicon USA increased the wall's instability, causing significant lateral displacement. The report highlights their failure to conduct a proper evaluation and inappropriate use of foam without considering the walls conditions.I contacted Helicon *** in March, July, and November 2024, seeking resolution. Despite initial responses, they have not addressed the issue and are now ignoring my emails.Helicon USA's ******** advertisements claimed their foam injection stops seawall deterioration, which influenced my decision. This advertising was misleading and the results have been contrary to their claims.I am requesting a full refund of $5,810.68 or that Helicon USA repairs the damages caused by their faulty installation. Their lack of response indicates no intent to resolve the problem.I urge the Better Business Bureau to assist in holding Helicon USA accountable for their misleading practices and inadequate service. Attached are relevant documents, including the engineer's report, photos, and correspondence records.Business response
After speaking to the customer at length and reviewing the attached engineer report we feel that we have addressed the initial issue of stabilizing the soil. In the Helicon warranty that was signed by the customer, it states that any damage caused by lateral movements or forces of hillside creep, land sliding is NOT covered by the warranty.
When we spoke to the customer recently, they admitted that the wall was not constructed correctly when it was built in 2000. During this conversation after installation, they said there were no weepholes installed in the wall to relieve the hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. According to the customer, there was no concrete footer installed below the wall to ensure stability when it was constructed. There was no drainage or drain tile installed behind the wall to divert rainwater from pushing the wall vertically. The pavers on top of the wall were not sealed either. This all came to light after Helicon performed the service.
Helicon was hired to stabilize the soil beneath the wall and beneath the pavers. We accomplished that. Any drainage solutions would need to be addressed by the homeowner since Helicon does not offer these services for a retaining wall.
Customer response
Complaint: 22902931This letter serves as a formal rebuttal regarding the actions and conduct of Helicon *** (Helicon) in relation to the work performed on my retaining wall. I am writing to clarify certain facts, express my concerns, and demand appropriate action considering the deceptive practices, misrepresentations, and substandard work performed by Helicon. I seek a full refund of the funds paid for the unnecessary and damaging foam installation or that Helicon takes full responsibility for correcting the damages caused.
Clarification of Facts and Timeline
1. The Retaining Wall:
- The retaining wall was originally constructed in February 2020. From 2020 to 2022, the wall exhibited only 1/8 inch of lateral movement, as documented by Helicons original intake survey (they were hired for a lateral movement not foundation concerns).
- This movement was minimal, and I want to emphasize that my property never experienced any foundation or soil settlement issues. The concern, as communicated to Helicon from the outset, was the potential for ongoing lateral movement due to the lack of drainage installed by the builder during the wall's construction.
2. Helicon's Misrepresentation and Sales Tactics:
- Helicon assured us that their foam injection solution, coupled with the installation of a foam footer, would resolve the lateral wall movement and eliminate the need for drainage installation (the sales person knew we had 2 other companies lined up to add drainage to our wall and deterred us from doing that work as he claimed his product would do miracles and that was not necessary work). I have a witness that was at my home when he said this.
- The salesperson provided a 20-year guarantee for the work, claimed the foam would serve as an anchor point in the absence of a geogrid, and referred to the foam as a "miracle worker." Their representations convinced us to cancel the drainage work we had planned with other contractors and proceed with Helicon.
3. The Work Performed:
- In December 2023, Helicon performed the foam injection and footer installation. Immediately after the work was completed, we observed increased lateral movement in the wall. Over a six-month period, the lateral displacement escalated significantly to approximately 2 inches, far worse than the minimal movement documented before.
- Helicon applied additional foam injections on two subsequent occasions, but the issue continued to worsen (in 2024).
4. Independent Engineering Report:
- A licensed engineer from ******* evaluated the wall and concluded that Helicons foam injection was unnecessary and directly contributed to the increased lateral displacement. The report which was not reviewed by **** *. explicitly states that:
- The foam injections were not appropriate given the walls design and lack of hollow space.
- Helicon failed to assess the maximum structural earth pressure or evaluate the suitability of their proposed solution.
- The foam destabilized the wall, and the only solution is to remove the foam and rebuild the wall in compliance with the Florida Building Code.
5. Helicons Failure to Resolve the Issue:
- We contacted Helicon multiple times in March, July, and November 2024, but no viable solutions were offered. Most recently, on February 6, 2026, I spoke with **** *., who acknowledged the complaint but failed to address the engineers report or the damages caused by Helicons work. Instead, he attempted to deflect the issue by discussing his personal retaining wall and suggesting irrelevant remedies, such as sealing the pavers, a solution that has already been performed on our property, on 2 separate occasions prior to their service.
- Despite attaching the engineers report to our complaint, Helicon has failed to adequately review or address its findings.
Helicons conduct raises significant concerns regarding deceptive practices, misrepresentation, and false advertising:
- Misrepresentation and Deception: Helicons salesperson knowingly made false claims about the effectiveness of their foam injection product and provided guarantees they could not deliver. This misled us into believing their solution was appropriate for our specific issue, which the engineers report clearly disproves.
- False Advertising: Helicons ******** advertisements and sales materials showcased in October 2023 with their foam injection as a "miracle worker" for wall stabilization, yet this claim is completely unsubstantiated in our case as we NEVER had a foundation issue, our problem was always the lateral movement of our retention wall and not a soil or foundation concern.
- Failure to Perform Due Diligence: Helicon failed to conduct a proper evaluation of the walls conditions before applying their solution. Their negligence resulted in significant damage that now requires complete demolition and reconstruction of the wall. The engineer report clearly states the foam needs to be removed as this was never the method to correct lateral movement on a wall with NO Foundation issues.
Based on the facts outlined above, I formally demand:
1. A Full Refund: Reimbursement of the $5,810.68 paid to Helicon for the foam injection and footer installation, which the engineers report confirms were unnecessary and caused further damage.
2. Corrective Action: If Helicon does not issue a refund, they must take full responsibility for removing the foam, demolishing the damaged wall, and rebuilding it in compliance with the Florida Building Code at no additional cost to me.Helicons deceptive practices, failure to honor their guarantees, and refusal to take accountability for the damages caused by their work are unacceptable. As a consumer, I feel lied to, deceived, and misled into believing that their product was the appropriate solution to prevent lateral movement in my retaining wall. The independent engineers report clearly demonstrates that Helicons foam injection was not only unnecessary but also directly caused additional damage to the wall, which has resulted in significant costs and structural instability.
Helicon was fully aware, prior to beginning work, that the wall lacked drainage, a footer, and geogrid support, and yet they assured us that their foam injection product would resolve the issue. Instead, their actions have left me with a wall in worse condition than before, requiring complete demolition and reconstruction. Helicons unwillingness to address the findings in the engineers report further illustrates their lack of accountability and disregard for their customers.
I respectfully demand that Helicon either issue a full refund of $5,810.68 for the unnecessary and damaging work performed or take immediate corrective action, at their own expense, to rectify the damages caused by their foam injection.
**** *******Business response
We were hired to stabilize the soil beneath the pavers and the wall using our polyurethane foam injection process, and that's precisely what we did. Our contract clearly states that the work involves injecting foam to reinforce the soil, not to fix any underlying structural issues with the wall itself.
While we believe the polyurethane foam solution is a highly effective solution for its intended purpose, we certainly don't claim it to be a "miracle worker." It sounds like there may have been some confusion during the sales conversation. It is also important to note that our salesperson did not verbally guarantee that the foam injection would stop lateral movement. Furthermore, no advertisement on our ******** page states this procedure is a "miracle worker." Our foam is designed to address soil issues, not to rectify pre-existing structural deficiencies, which are the homeowner's responsibility.
The engineer's report does not provide definitive evidence directly linking the foam injection to the increased lateral displacement.
Helicon performed the contracted service of soil stabilization. The increased lateral movement of the retaining wall is primarily attributable to pre-existing structural deficiencies, including the absence of weep holes, a proper footer, and adequate drainage, as confirmed by Ms. ******* herself and noted in the independent engineer's report. These structural issues are outside the scope of our contracted work and are not covered by our warranty. While we understand Ms. ******** disappointment, we respectfully deny her request for a full refund or for Helicon to rebuild the wall.Customer response
Complaint: 22902931
On 2/17/2025, I am rejecting this response because of the inadequate response I received on 2/17/2025 regarding my complaint about the work performed on my retaining wall. I must express my disbelief and frustration at the ongoing difficulties I have encountered with Helicon, particularly concerning your company's refusal to accept responsibility for the damages caused by your "Soil Injection Under Pavers" service.Key Concerns Not Addressed by Helicon:
Purpose of Engagement:I want to reiterate that Helicon was not hired for soil stabilization; our primary objective was to prevent lateral movement of the wall. Your response did not acknowledge this fundamental point. The engineer's report clearly states that the drastic lateral movement was a direct result of the foam injections performed by Helicon, not a pre-existing condition related to soil stability.
Misrepresentation of Services:
Your response does not address the misleading claims made by your sales representative, who assured us that your foam product would act as a "miracle worker" for our wall. This misrepresentation led us to cancel scheduled drainage work with other contractors based on the false assurances provided. It is important to recognize that this was a significant factor in our decision to choose Helicon over other options. The false oral promises made by the sales team was the reason Helicon was hired.Engineers Findings:
The independent engineer's report, which I have previously submitted, explicitly states that the foam injections were inappropriate for our wall's design and have directly contributed to its destabilization. Your response did not adequately address these findings, nor did it provide any evidence or documentation to contradict them. Instead, it is critical that you acknowledge this report and the implications of its findings.Evidence of Damage:
I request that you provide evidence like photographs or documentation that demonstrate any soil instability or sinkhole issues prior to your engagement. As noted, we consistently reported minimal lateral movement of only 1/8 of an inch, and there were no foundation issues at the time of your assessment. We hired you to STOP Lateral movement, not to stabilize the soil. The footer was added to STOP the wall from continue to move in a lateral direction. This was the oral promised made by Helicon and their miracle foam injections.Liability Under Terms and Conditions:
I urge you to review your terms and conditions concerning liability for damages resulting from your work. The Notice and Contractors Right to Cure clause in your contract states that if the problem with the work is attributable to the contractor, you will begin to repair/correct the problem within fourteen (14) days of receipt of written notice. It is clear that the drastic lateral movement of my wall is attributable to the foam injections performed by Helicon. I expect you to address this issue and take appropriate corrective action. I placed multiple phone calls a written notices that notified you and your company of this issue. I even have email corresponding from your team that acknowledges the drastic lateral movement which were not resolved.Warranty Information:
Your warranty states that Helicon will stabilize soils against "erosion" for a period of five years. However, it is evident that the foam injections did not follow the proper protocol outlined in your contract. The application procedures for soil injections indicate that you must start the injection at the first probe and work across a grid pattern, ensuring proper pressure and monitoring lift. I am claiming that these procedures were not followed, which has contributed to the current issues with my wall.
Legal Grounds for LiabilityBreach of Contract:
Helicon was engaged to prevent lateral movement of the retaining wall. As established in our agreement, you assumed a duty to perform the work in a professional and workmanlike manner, adhering to industry standards. The drastic lateral movement of my wall, directly resulting from the foam injections, constitutes a breach of this contractual obligation.Negligence:
Your actions, or lack thereof, demonstrate a failure to meet the standard of care required in your profession. The independent engineering assessment clearly states that the foam injections were inappropriate for our wall's design, leading to destabilization. Negligence occurs when a party fails to exercise reasonable care, causing foreseeable harm. Helicon's inadequate assessment and the subsequent execution of your services ********* below this standard.Violation of Florida Statutes:
Under Florida Statute *******, contractors are required to perform their work in accordance with applicable laws and standards. The engineer's report indicates that Helicon's work did not comply with industry standards, thus potentially constituting a violation of this statute. Furthermore, any misrepresentations made by your sales representative regarding the efficacy of your services may constitute false advertising under Florida Statute 501.201.Failure to Cure:
The "Notice and Contractors Right to Cure" clause in your contract stipulates that if a problem is attributable to the contractor, you are obligated to commence repairs within fourteen (14) days of written notice. Despite my efforts to notify you of the issues and my willingness to work collaboratively toward a resolution, Helicon has not taken the necessary steps to address the damage caused by your foam injections.Warranty Claims:
Your warranty claims that the foam injections will stabilize soils against "erosion" for five years. However, it is evident that the procedures outlined in your contract for the application of these injections were not followed. The improper execution of these services further substantiates your liability.
Demand for Remedial Action:
Given the above points, I formally demand a full refund of $5,810.68 for the ineffective and damaging work performed by Helicon OR that Helicon assume full responsibility for the removal of the foam and the reconstruction of the wall in compliance with the Florida Building Code, at no additional cost to me. I have already quoted a company at $30,000.00 dollars.
The refusal of Helicon to acknowledge its liability and to take corrective action is unacceptable and raises serious concerns regarding your business practices. I urge you to treat this matter with the seriousness it deserves and to respond promptly with a comprehensive plan for resolution.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt and detailed response.
**** *******Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
I paid a $700 deposit on 3/31/23 to have my pool deck lifted and it was lifted too high on one end so, **** came out and ground down all the decorative surface off that end of my pool deck around the pool. **** did not have my permission to do any grinding at all and I have a witness to verify this. The owner ******************* gave me his word that he would find a concrete decorative surface company to resurface my pool deck and I have a witness that heard Mr. ****** tell me that because he was on speaker phone and the witness was listening to the whole conversation. Mr. ****** did not keep his word and instead sent **** back out to my house to patch the area and my son was in the pool when **** walked into my backyard and **** told my son that he was going to ********** to get what he needed, but **** never did anything and he left and never came back. **** told my son that he was sorry for going OCD on grinding down my pool deck. The pool deck cannot be patched or touched up because it won't look right and match up. It's now 9/24/23 and still nothing. I want my pool deck resurfaced due to **********************'s negligence. This is the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life. I'm going to have to retain an attorney to sue ********************** because ******************* has refused to have my pool deck resurfaced.Business response
We have tried multiple times to get in touch with you. We keep calling you but it always goes to voicemail. Your voicemail is full and can't accept any messages. We sent several emails as well with no response. Please call our office to speak to ************ to resolve this matter.
Customer response
Complaint: 20650387
I am rejecting this response because: Helicon has caused me an extreme amount of unnecessary stress and mental anguish by trying to have me served to put a lien on my property not to mention that I now have to pay more than $3,000 to get my pool deck resurfaced which I shouldn't have to pay for, but I am and it should have already been taken care of months ago. I want customers to know exactly what Helicon did to my property and to me and how I was treated. Helicon was told several times that I can't talk on my phone at work. Helicon could have emailed me or texted me instead of calling me. Also, after they were trying to serve me to put the lien on my property that's when I stopped communication with them while I was looking for an attorney to sue **********************************************************************Business response
We spoke to ************** on 9/29/23 and came to an agreement. Helicon would take off the lien, credit her outstanding invoice of $3,401 owed to Helicon so she could hire whomever she pleases to resurface her deck. ************** now has a zero balance owed to Helicon, the lien was removed as of 9/29/23. We are truly sorry that this has escalated to this point and hope that ************** is satisfied with our settlement of clearing the amount owed and removing the lien. Attached is proof of what has been settled upon.Customer response
Better Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ********, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I want this complaint to remain public so, that other potential customers/consumers will know what happened to me by Helicon and what they put me through. I want to warn future customers to not choose Helicon to do any work for them. This is truly the worst company that I have ever dealt with.
*Some consumers may elect to not publish the details of their complaints, some complaints may not meet BBB's standards for publication, or BBB may display a portion of complaints when a high volume is received for a particular business. ↩
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Business hours
Today,8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
MMonday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
TTuesday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
WWednesday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
ThThursday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
FFriday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
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3 total complaints in the last 3 years.
1 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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