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Purdue University GlobalThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
Purdue Global does not allow its students to complete the admissions process on their own. Instead, they have to go through their student advisors. Purdue Global partners with a program called ****** in which students can obtain credits towards their degree. Students are told to speak with their student advisors in order to make sure that classes will transfer over.I had spoken with my advisor about my interest in ****** credits but she had registered me for regular classes. I assumed that I was ineligible for any of ****** credits. A couple semesters later, I had a classmate from Purdue Global who told me that I actually didn't need to go through my advisor in order to complete the ****** ******* like Purdue Global stated on their website. Thankfully, I was able to complete a few classes on that platform but I could have taken at least 4 more. I had several conversations with my advisor on the phone and she was aware that I wanted to take all possible classes on ******. Why did the student advisor register me for classes at Purdue Global when she knew I could have taken them on ******? Again, student advisors are the ones who have control over student's class registration. The advisor stated that we would go over which classes I could pursue through ****** once my credits were evaluated by registrars. My advisor never went over the classes I could pursue and instead enrolled me in the ones I could have taken through ******.Business response
In ****************** complaint, she states that Purdue Global does not allow its students to complete the admissions process on their own.Instead, students have to go through their student advisors.
She explains that Purdue Global partners with a program called ****** in which students can obtain credits towards their degree.Students are told to speak with their student advisors to make sure that classes will transfer over. I had spoken with my advisor about my interest in ****** credits, but she had registered me for regular classes. Ms. ****** assumed she was ineligible for any of ****** credits but later learned that she did not need to go through her advisor to take the Sophia ****************** completed a few classes through ***** but could have taken at least 4 more if her advisor had not already registered her for them. She believes student advisors are the ones who have control over a student's class registration. She believes her advisor should have checked with her before registering her for classes she could have taken through *****. She wants to be refunded for the ******s she took through Purdue Global that she could have taken through ******
Purdue Global does not require that advisors register students. Each student is provided a Permission to Register form. The student can check which way they prefer to be registered. They can register themselves without consulting an advisor or they can have an advisor register for them without discussion or register them for classes as long as they consult with the student first. Ms. ****** signed a Permission to Register form on December 8,2022, granting her advisor permission to register her without verbal contact.See the form attached.
**************** has previously filed this complaint. At that time, she was informed she received an email from her advisor on December 16,2022, about ***** ******s. See below:
2022/12/16 08:51:00 AM
Email: Ways to earn credits and Save Money-Purdue Global
Subject: Ways to earn credits and Save Money-Purdue Global
Body:Purdue Global partners with ****** to help students earn affordable credits either before they start school or while in school. It Enable students who pass the entire assessment to earn credit for the corresponding ******. For a list of ******s we accept, visit ******************************************************************* more details. If interested, let's have a conversation on how this could benefit you most.
Assessment of Skills and Knowledge
Once you have identified the Assessment of Skills and Knowledge you would like to take, contact the *********************** toll-free at ************ to inform them which Assessment(s) of Skills and Knowledge you would like to take and pay your $100.00 fee for each.
a. You are permitted one attempt to register for and take a particular Assessment of Skills and Knowledge. If you do not receive a passing score on your first attempt, you will be required to register for the ******.
b. You may not take an Assessment of Skills and Knowledge if you have already begun the Purdue Global ****** equivalent or if you have received a failing grade in the Purdue Global ****** equivalent.Once your credits have been evaluated by the registrars, we can discuss additional ******s you can work on.
***************************** |Student Success manager
**************** was informed of ***** and of how to take any ***** ****** she wished to take before she started her classes. She did not follow the instructions given. No other conversations between Ms. ****** and her advisor were found until she sent her advisor an email on August 15, 2023,stating that she wished she had known about ****** prior to paying college tuition for classes she could have taken for $50 per class. At that time, she asked her advisor to no longer register her for classes that she could take through ******Her advisor reminded her of the email sent to her about ***** ******s on December 16, 2022, 10 days before she started classes on January 6,2023. It is not the advisors responsibility to determine which ******s students could take through *****.
Students are instructed to go to the site and decide which ******s they want to take then discuss the ****** with their advisor. Once the student has paid for and taken the ***** ****** and passed it, they are responsible for having their official transcript sent to Purdue Global to receive credit for the ******.If Ms. ****** wanted to take a specific ****** through *****, it was her responsibility to inform her advisor of her intentions each registration period when she confirmed the ******s she was scheduled to take. Advisors are not required to check each students degree plan against ***** ******s offered.
There will be no refund of tuition for the ******s *************** believes she could have taken through ***** but took through Purdue Global.
This is our final response to this complaint. No other complaints regarding her advisor registering her for Purdue Global ******s when she could have taken ***** ******s will be addressed. This is the only answer we can give Ms. ******.
Student Relations
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Around September of 2018, I gave birth to my child and I was having complications. I was advised at that time by the professors to apply for an appeal to receive an incomplete for the course. The advisor that I had at that time ************** sent me a docusign and told me to complete it and she would submit it. I followed her directions and I was told it could take 2-4 weeks or a decision, and she would call me when it was reached. Around November/December of 2018 I reached out to ***** to see what was going on, only to find out she had quit 2 weeks prior, she never submitted my appeal, and there was no new advisor even assigned to me. The university never even contacted me to inform me of any changes. It was from this point forward I have called this school over 15/20 times trying to get help and direction. I have been passed around to multitude of people over the last few years with no one seeming to know who I am supposed to reach out too. I was told multitude of times people would call me back and it never happened. Because of this situation, it has affected my Financial Aid, hindered me finishing my BSHA, and pursing my Masters. The shady practices of this school is to collect money and push off all responsibility of their faulty and high staff turnover on the student. I am fed up and need help. I have tried to reason with the school and they are refusing, even though this is no fault of my own. I am not paying them again for 3 courses that I should not have to retake because of their employees and the university inability to do their jobs with competence and integrity.Business response
******* Relations received **************** complaint. On behalf of the Chancellor of Purdue University Global, the ****** of ******* Relations is responsible for addressing student complaints. We take all complaints seriously and are committed to investigating them fully.
I responded to **************** complaint on February 14, 2024,when she contacted ******* Relations at Purdue Global. She was informed that per policy: All decisions made by ******* Relations are final. In addition, she was informed that: A grievance may not be reviewed or investigated if it is filed more than 2 years after the incident.
Even though it has been 6 years since **************** last attended Purdue Global, I reviewed her records, as a courtesy. I found that she was informed multiple times in 2018 that it was her responsibility to file the grade appeal when her advisor gave her the form, not the advisors responsibility. She was also informed that she had to file the appeal within 10 days of her grades posting. I found noted 5 times that **************** was given this information. I confirmed with the Chief ******** ******r/******* ****** that **************** never submitted a grade appeal.
To file a grade appeal for HI300, she should have submitted the grade appeal form by October 19, 2018. A copy of the ******** Appeal form is attached. She did not file the appeal form within the time frame allowed. She told her advisor that she was attempting to work with the instructor to complete the course. Her professor did not change her F grade and she did not file a grade appeal. The deadline to do so has passed.
In the 1702A term, she failed the two courses she took. She retook those took courses in the 1705C term and failed them again. She failed one class in the 1803B term and failed another class in the 1804B. She failed courses in 4 of the 5 terms she attended. She did not fail all 3 classes in the 1803B. **************** is responsible for paying the tuition she incurred for the classes she took.In her complaint, she states that around September 2018, she gave birth to her child. She states she should not have to pay for classes that she failed. **************** 1803B term started on August 1, 2018. She took 3 classes in that term. She passed two of the classes with a B and B-. She failed one, HI300.
**************** stated that her professor told her to apply for an appeal to receive an Incomplete for her course. This is incorrect information. The term began on August 1, 2018. On August 23, 2018, she spoke to her professor about an Incomplete for that term. Her professor explained that Incompletes can only be granted at the end of the term if students have completed 75% of their work and are passing the course. Only professors can grant ************ no form was required.The term ended on October 9, 2018. Incompletes could not be granted during the first 4 weeks of the term. I did not find that she again requested an Incomplete during the last week of the 10-week term. You can find the Incomplete Policy as stated in the University Catalog at
**************** has no funding left for future classes because she reached her Title IV aggregate loan limits allowed by the ********** of ********** She used funding at other schools, not just Purdue Global. It is her responsibility to monitor her loans and grants. Once her funds are exhausted, it is her responsibility to pay cash or find an alternative method of paying for classes. The University is not responsible for covering tuition and fees once students exhaust their Title IV funding. **************** also used her funding at 6 previous schools. All students have to pay to retake the courses they fail. Purdue Global did not cause her to run out of funding or cause her to fail her classes.
The University will not pay for the classes **************** failed. This response is final. I understand that she disagrees with the answer she has been given, but the University followed its policies and procedures as published. There is no other response we can give ****************.
******* Relations
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
I signed up for classes in May of 2023. All information was sent up to the ********** of ******** Affairs and payment was scheduled to Purdue Global University. My classes started on July 5th, 2023 and I attended the first two classes and completed my first two assignments. When I tried to log into my third class, I was dropped from my classes with no explanation. I called the University and nobody could give me a reason why I was dropped from these classes. I did not drop these classes at all and was attending an doing the assignments without any problem. I have not received a phone call, message, or email explaining the reason why I was dropped and they basically took my money through the VA and now I have to personally pay back $2550.00 that I wasn't ever given the opportunity to use. This is a very trashy way to treat veterans who served their country honorably and basically steal the money from them. I also want an apology from who was responsible for this for not allowing me to use the benefits that I've earned from my service in the Army for ten years.Business response
Please see attachedCustomer response
Better Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ********, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*********************Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
This University was good until they let my older Brother ******************************** impersonated as the crown Victorian at graduation not only that brother and *** offender which make it hard for me to get and girlfriend now because of how the graduation party loves the one that did not middle school work no high School work no college work I searching for help from my attorney to ************* school until they close down everyday that's how hard it was to get through physiology 123 while they accuse me of ****** and killing my own daughters, nephews, nieces, and last but not less girlfriend. I wish to start a new life with ******************************** please.Business response
Good afternoon,
After reviewing this concern, we are unable to locate any Purdue Global student by this name. We consider this complaint closed.
Customer response
Better Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ********, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
***********************Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
This school is an unaccredited "law school" takes students money via out of pocket expenses and or ferally financed student loans, and then fails to provide an adequate curriculum with professors that teach students. regardless of how many times i have asked for help, and completed assignments exactly as the instructions state, professors are unwilling to help or provide adequate feedback to ensure students succeed. i have almost 10k in student loans to this school and it is almost impossible to reach the student advisor or anyone else for that matter to answer questions. The school is literally stealing money, in return for failing students and never giving out degrees.Business response
Purdue Global received your complaint.On behalf of the Chancellor of Purdue University Global, the ****** of ******* Relations is responsible for addressing student complaints. We take all complaints very seriously and are committed to investigating them fully.
In your complaint, you stated that Concord is an unaccredited "law school" that takes money from students and fails to provide an adequate curriculum with professors that teach students. It is almost impossible to reach the student advisor or anyone else to answer questions. The school is literally stealing money in return for failing students and never giving out degrees.
I researched your concerns and found your statements are not based on facts. ****************** is part of Purdue University Global, which is accredited by the ************************** (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the **** ********** of ********************* law school is accredited by the ********* of *** Examiners of the State *** of California. As a result, ******* has the authority to offer a ******************* that qualifies recipients to take the California *** Examination and obtain admission to the practice of law in **********. More than ***** students have graduated from ******* and have experienced successful careers in the legal field.
You claim your advisor and others were unresponsive. According to notes, phone calls, and research provided by your advisors supervisor, I found that your advisor, as well as representatives in the Financial Aid **********, were responsive to you. Because advisors and representatives have many students to assist, they could not always speak to you immediately when you contacted them. While that is unfortunate, they were consistent in responding on chat and returning your phone calls and emails. I found, however, that you seldom responded when they returned your calls and emails. I found your claims of staff being unresponsive to be untrue.
All students are charged tuition for the time they attend class. You completed all classes in your first term; therefore, correctly owe tuition for the classes completed. You withdrew before completing your second term. The Financial Aid ********** is in the process of completing your refund calculation for the 2205L term. You are responsible for paying for the time you attended. The Refund Policy is explained on the Enrollment Agreement you signed and in the Universitys Catalog. While attending Concord, you received two stipends. Those funds are included in the amount of the loans you are responsible for repaying.
Law school is difficult and not for everyone. I understand that you disagree with the Universitys curriculum and policies. You are also disappointed in your instructors and the quality of service you received. However,the Universitys curriculum and policies has been approved by the **************************, ********** of ********** and State *** of California. It is unfortunate to hear that you were dissatisfied with your experience at ******* and feel you received nothing for the tuition you were charged. You are, by all means, entitled to your opinion; however, the facts I uncovered while researching your complaint do not support your claims of staff being unresponsive and of Concord being an unaccredited law school that takes money from students and fails to provide an adequate curriculum.Thank you for allowing ******* Relations the opportunity to research your complaint. This response concludes the grievance process. This case is closed. There will be no further responses to these claims.
I wish you the best in all your future endeavors.
******* RelationsCustomer response
Complaint: 17335136
I am rejecting this response because: I continuously told them I cannot speak during the day via phone because I work a full time job. The only way I could get ahold of my advisor is if I first told ************************* I was trying to reach her. It is not an accredited school with the *** like you stated. Visit the *** website to confirm this.
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Customer Complaints Summary
5 total complaints in the last 3 years.
1 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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