BBB reports on these known marketplace practices
BBB reports on...
Licensing information is provided in BBB Business Profiles to inform the public about industries that may require professional licensing. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency.
Advertising review
BBB promotes truth in advertising by contacting advertisers whose claims conflict with the BBB Code of Advertising standards. These claims may come to our attention from our internal review of advertising, consumer complaints, or competitor challenges. BBB asks advertisers to prove their claims, change ads to make offers more clear to consumers, and remove misleading or deceptive statements.
Government actions
BBB reports on known government actions involving the business's marketplace conduct.
Misuse of BBB name/logo
BBB reports on unauthorized use of BBB's name and/or logo for as long as the business continues to use it in any advertising, or for one year after the business ceases any repeated unauthorized uses.
Out of business
BBB reports on a company that is known to be out of business for one year from the date the company closes its doors or ceases to do business.
BBB reports on a business's known bankruptcy as long as the business remains in bankruptcy.
Mail returned
BBB reports when mail sent to the business was returned by the Postal Service.