Business Profile
Cigars and Cigar Accessories
Cigars InternationalFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Cigars and Cigar Accessories.
Important information
- Additional Info:The BBB investigated this company due to the number and type of complaints filed against it by consumers. The BBB also conducted a review of major search engines and found several review sites which confirmed similar conduct by the company in reviews filed on review sites. Finally, the BBB reviewed the company's website to determine any policies the company had regarding issues that were the subject of our investigation.
Consumers have complained they are unable to obtain refunds that are due them. Some consumers state they were erroneously signed up for a cigar club and have trouble canceling the club membership. Many state they can not reach customer service when issues arise. As part of the BBB's investigation, we asked the company about its policies concerning these issues including the company refund policy and the process to join and cancel monthly club membership.
The company replied stating that they have made changes to rectify these issues. The company stated they have relocated the return processing team and implemented a new operating system. With this new team the company says it has added 25 customer service agents. The company says this has enabled the company to handle consumers calls in a timely fashion. This has also cleared up the back log and returns and refunds are now processed in a timely manner according to the company. The business has also replied to us that it modified the sign up process for the monthly club which includes trained versifier that take over the call when someone is interested in membership and review the membership terms. They state upon receipt of cancellation, requests are processed and a return shipping label or refund is given.
Our review of the the company's file has determined that the complaints for these issues have decreased. The BBB will continue to monitor this company to be sure these new improvements continue to help the complaints to decrease.