Construction Services
Homeway Construction and RestorationComplaints
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Complaint Details
Note that complaint text that is displayed might not represent all complaints filed with BBB. See details.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I contacted this company because my insurance company that's handling the claim contacted me. The company has not sent the mitigation report yet. I have been waiting and waiting. This company contacted me within thirty minutes of doing an inquiry online and came to my home two days later. The company has yet to send any information over. They say they uses itel reporting. They have told me three different versions. They came and tore up my home, and my home is still not together. The company say they didnt get what they needed from ITEL which was not true. I have the email. I have contacted everyone who reached out to me, they make up stories after stories. I want them to send their invoice so I can walk away for the mitigation. I am sick of dealing with them. This has been the worst unprofessional situation. I am going to chancery court if this is not resolved timely and file a complaint.Customer response
That is my address, I want the business to send the invoice so they can get paid and we walk away. The owner is ***** who stated that and I still havent gotten the mitigation invoice or the insurance company. I dont want to ever have to deal with them.
****************************************;******* ** 38134
Customer response
That is my address, I want the business to send the invoice so they can get paid and we walk away. The owner is ***** who stated that and I still havent gotten the mitigation invoice or the insurance company. I dont want to ever have to deal with them.
****************************************;******* ** 38134
Business response
Dear BBB,
I am writing in response to the customer complaint filed against our company, Homeway Construction, by *******************************. We appreciate the opportunity to address the concerns raised and provide our perspective on the matter.
Our Perspective and Response:
We would like to clarify our position regarding the complaint. Upon receiving the call from ******************************* about the water damage on April 19, 2023, we promptly responded and performed the necessary mitigation services on April *****, 2023. Our team worked diligently to dry the affected areas and restore the property. It's important to note that we were in the early stages of the restoration process, which typically takes approximately 90 days for completion.
Throughout the project, we maintained communication with ******************************* and provided updates on the progress and expected timelines. We apologize if there was any miscommunication or misunderstanding regarding the processes involved with insurance claims and the necessary approvals for rebuilding.
Regarding the issue with the mitigation report, we did submit a request to ITEL for an assessment of the flooring, as per our standard procedures. We have both email confirmation and an ITEL report, dated May 1, 2023, stating that we submitted the report for the flooring. Therefore, the claim made by ******************************* suggesting that we lied about submitting the report is incorrect.
Timeline of Events:
To provide a clear picture of the project's timeline, we have outlined the key events:
April 19, 2023: Received call from ******************************* regarding the customer's house flooding.
April *****, 2023: Performed mitigation services on the property.
April 23, 2023: Equipment placed in the property for drying purposes.
April 24, 2023: Homeway Construction submitted an ITEL report on the flooring.
May 1, 2023: Homeway Construction received ITEL report back about the flooring.
May 2, 2023: Homeway Construction submitted the estimate to the insurance company, Sedgwick, for the mitigation services and the reconstruction.
May 3, 2023: Homeway Construction resubmitted the estimate to ******** since no response was received.
Supporting Evidence:
We possess comprehensive email correspondence that documents all the events and communication related to the project. We would be more than willing to provide these records to the BBB as evidence supporting our position.
In conclusion, we believe that ******************************* may have unrealistic expectations regarding the timeline and processes involved in completing a water mitigation and restoration project. We strive to deliver exceptional customer service and high-quality work within reasonable timeframes. Considering the circumstances, we firmly stand by the fact that our response time and efforts have been commendable.
Homeway Construction would like to be paid for the services provided, by the insurance company Sedgwick, for the mitigation portion of the project. We would be willing to complete the rebuild of the customers residence if she is willing to cooperate with our timelines for that portion of the project. If ******************************* is not willing to cooperate with our timelines we completely understand, and we will amicably move on from the project so the customer, and ******** insurance, can find another vendor.
We appreciate the BBB's role in facilitating fair resolutions and hope that you will consider our response and the provided evidence when evaluating this complaint. We remain committed to addressing any legitimate concerns and resolving this matter in a satisfactory manner for all parties involved.
Thank you for your attention to this case. Should you require any further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
***********************Customer response
Complaint: 20003739
I am rejecting this response because: its not true. However, I did not get a mitigation report until 5.2.23. I had to hound the owner for the report. No estimates for repairs was made. Itel was never contacted per agent I spoke to until 5.1.23. The owner staff informed me they were backed up, have texted message. A call came to me from ITEL that states they are not delayed, and will f/u with **** as the details concerning report could not be disclosed. *********************** sent the report for payment for mitigation service on 5.2.23.The insurance company was provided your mitigation report on 5.2.23 that was emailed. I did not get an invoice. They did not say anything differently as they will be the one to issue payment. The adjuster has been emailed and was copied. I do not ever want to do business with your company as the timeline on record (was told a week).
Otherwise, there is nothing further I have to communicate with your outside of getting payment for your mitigation service.
*******************************Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
So I hired Homeway Construction on 6/29/22 exactly 6 days after we had a pipe burst in a bathroom upstairs of our 2200 SF home. The home needed all new subfloor, flooring, baseboards, drywall, paint, insulation and so on. We were told they were 2-3 weeks out on work. But they would need payment upfront to start work. Insurance wrote an emergency funds check for $38,204.83. I handed over the check on 7/25/22. At this point still no work has been done. The owner comes out on 8/3/22 9am to write "his own" estimate since he was in charge of the work. HIS estimate included removing work from the original estimate that had already been paid out, including subfloor replacement and built in bookshelf replacement. A week later work began in this order, carpet upstairs, living room only subfloor replacement and a 2½ by 4ft piece replacement in kitchen, and then drywall, paint, and baseboards. ALL JOBS HAD TO BE DONE TWICE. There was absolutely no quality control. The work was horrible. An entire month was wasted on doing these jobs more than once. Along with further damage to home and our personal items, and blatant disrespect by doing things such as sweeping their trash into our crawlspace. I complained to the owner multiple times. He offered a payout on 9/17/22 and then ignored me for a week. 2 weeks later and no one has been back to work. We resorted to doing the work ourselves, my husband and I, we have laid floors, bought material out of pocket, started fixing baseboards trying to make our home livable. We are now over 3 months into this job, we have NO KITCHEN. We are confined to 3 bedrooms upstairs with our 2 small children, one of which is special needs, and owner is in no rush at all to improve our circumstances. But it was a rush to get him the check to start work. There is at least another $15,000 worth of work to be done. And $10,000 owed for what we've done ourselves that they were paid to do. Including the full packout, storage unit, moving contents and apps.Business response
We have been in constant contact with both ms ******* and mr ****. We have made several attempts to rectify any workmanship concerns they have had. However to date, it seems that they have sabotaged any work our company has done to their home. There is a good reason we come highly recommended, and good reason we have built the company to be what it is today. Yes we have made mistakes, all humans do. But we were quick to take care of issues these customers had, when brought to the attention of their project manager and ultimately *****.
From the very beginning this job has been nothing but hard... but we rolled with the punches. These people have had their neighbor send an "anonymous" quote request/email impersonating a “agent” of whom I’m not entirely sure….. threatening us when we had barely even started their work. Ms *******/Mr **** Claimed they knew nothing about it- yet somehow the neighbor knew we weren't pulling permits (for Sheetrock might I add, you need no permit for) saying our PPP funds were "misused and misappropriated" and they were reporting us to basically any agency he could. (No worries here as we are very legit and have an accounting firm handle our financial business.)
I personally filed a police report on this man because at the end of this email he wrote "say hi to your wife ******* and we hope your little one gets well" - as a mother ms ******* I challenge you personally to ask yourself how you would feel if a man you have never met is basically saying "I'm watching your wife and kids."
Despite me telling ***** we needed to quit this job, he wanted to see it through because “maybe it didn’t come from them”. I knew from ^that situation alone these people were obviously up to something.
We have had 25+year hardwood professionals out to fix the sub flooring in their home. They ripped it ALL up and said "liquid nail would reintroduce moisture into their floors." And then found “trash” in the floor.
The Sheetrock concerns have BEEN fixed.
The paint concerns have BEEN fixed.
In fact every picture she posted here has been fixed already.
The upstairs went fine aside from her PM miscalculating how much carpet was needed, nonetheless that was also fixed and they were happy.
We have not been back in a month because we were "fired" by this customer. Yet we are still somehow working with them to fix their home. We just paid & ordered cabinets for them last week.
Yes we had issues on our end as far as payment, that was handled and cabinets were ordered. We order cabinets almost daily and have never had to pay completely up front, but for some reason for this job after the deposit was posted the cabinet company came back and said they needed complete payment before ordering and giving delivery date. We did and were not given date immediately but have since gotten this.
Mr **** did request that ***** just pay him to do the flooring, which we agreed to do when he was finished. The materials are already there are the house because we had them delivered there more than 3 weeks ago. This has not been completed (to my knowledge) and thus the work is not 75% complete so the insurance will not release the rest of the funds to them. After the floors are completed (by Mr **** as per their request.) the cabinets will be installed and counter tops.
As far as having no heat- we were not paid to do this work. We do not do HVAC anything. In fact, it is my understanding they received a separate check from insurance to handle this themselves- as they work for a plumbing and HVAC company. So if they don't have heat...... that has absolutely nothing to do with us. As I said above the issue with payment for this by their insurance is because THEY (he really) decided he would rather do the floors himself and has yet to do so.
Now despite these people lashing out, writing bad reviews on all forums & having their friends and family harass us by doing the same- we still are trying to complete this project. But with all the attempts from the *******/****s to sabotage our work, it seems that will never happen. Also while “working this out for everyone’s interest” and being in communication- Ms ******* has made reviews on Al forums and basically threatened to “ruin us” WHILE WE ARE WORKING WITH THEM. A payout for work not completed has been discussed with them a couple of times but then something else would come up and they would ask us to do more work- which we agreed to do. And because yes, money is tied up in other places. We will have their refund this week and be done with this absolute mess. However I have a good feeling *they won’t be* as our experience with them as customers this far has been interesting to say the least.
We do pride ourselves in our work. Every crew we have is very gifted at what they do. They do of course mess up, and when we are notified we fix those issues. We don't expect perfection from our guys just excellence. I am so sorry if this post or any review made by ms ******* or Mr **** sways anyones opinion in using us. I assure you- we leave 99% of our customers absolutely ecstatic about their work. There's always going to be that 1% that you can never make happy, people who are obviously trying to scheme and scam. Even though this is how I feed my family as they have to feed theirs. We will always rise above and will continue to do professional work.Customer response
Complaint: 18152971I am rejecting this response because: the fact that you will get on here and blatantly lie says a lot. I can prove every complaint I made. Pictures, videos, text all timestamped and dated. I took pictures everyday after work was done, pictures of materials brought over. But I sabotaged my own house? That sounds like a desperate response from a guilty party. I've already attached screenshots of my convo with rowdy that shows you are lying. I didn't fire yall. I asked for more professional workers or a refund. Your husband chose a refund. Clear as day. In the text. A month later no work and no refund. Any other proof you need just ask.Sincerely,******* *******Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Had entire outside of house and bottom level painted. Was supposed to be no more than 2 month job, but it took almost a year of living in dusty work space with a Pod in my driveway before it was completed. I was asked by my HOA when the Pod would be removed because it was an eyesore. His previous partner he had at the onset of my job told me he left the company because he did not want to continue with the sloppy business of prolonging jobs because of insufficient manpower. Painters were witnessed by myself and my sister to not mix primer with paint or apply a coat of primer before the paint. I told the owner, ***********************, of this and was told that "part" of house on exterior needed it and other half didn't. However, the contract was for primer coat for the entire job. I notified him many months ago that I can see writing coming through paint on garage and guest bathroom walls where they marked with pen the location of studs. He has ignored my calls and texts for over a year, and sent a picture of an old truck with a flat tire when he was supposed to come out and look at the house. If it was truly a flat tire, he could have come out when it was fixed. I have saved the text messages. It seems as if he's stalling until my warranty expires. I will have to get an attorney for him to compensate me so that I can find a reputable company to repaint my house. What he has done is nothing short of criminal, and I hope this report saves someone from the months of distress he has caused me.Business response
To start this, we did this job in 2019-2020.we painted the entire outside of the home as we said we would. we even showed her the receipt where the we bought the ***** primer. she said we were liars. she questioned every single detail of this job, and was proven wrong almost ***** time. she would send long txt messages about how everyting was wrong, then i would go and show her how she was wrong. The paint is not failing, and is holding up as we said it would. so what is the problem exactly? She contacted me over a year later about some pen marks, but would never send me pictures of what the problem was. she can only meet on saturdays or wednesdays. i dont work saturdays, and we have our staff meetings every wednesday all day. A pen mark ****** bleed through 2 years later. we fulfilled this job. i most certainly did not lie about my truck breaking down either. my dump trailer had a blowout when i was on the way to her home one day. My company functions with the utmost care, to call me criminal is laughable. thank you
Customer response
Complaint: 17409082
I am rejecting this response because: ***********************, or whatever name he goes by, knows that he is a LIAR. He has not come to my house to look at the paint. I have sent him texted pictures of the pen marks bleeding through the paint. I have the fake picture of the truck he sent me. If he is so honest about the truck breaking down, ,why did he not respond to my several text messages to reschedule the visit? That was when he was supposed to look at that damage, so he has caught himself in his own lies by saying that he came out to look at the paint!!! told him as soon as the outside of the house was being painted that the painters did not put on a primer coat as my contract stated they would do. He was out of town, so I also told his then business associate who no longer works with him because he even told me of his CRIMINAL activity and negligence to completing people's projects. My HOA can vouch for me when I tell you that it took him almost a year to complete the work that was supposed to take no more than 2 months. I was emailed by my HOA on when the *** outside of my house would be removed because it was an eyesore. I have tried to get him to look at the work for the past 2 years, and I have sent several texts like anyone who has spent thousands of dollars and have not received the work that he promised would do. I only wrote the BBB to make the public aware of this scammer. I know that nothing ever comes from complaining to the BBB other than public awareness of scammers like his company. They probably took my primer to another house, though I paid for all of it. I even had enough tile left over to do another entire room, and couldn't get refunded the money on that. He thought I was going to trust him to return it so he could take it somewhere else and finish another home...HA!!! Now THAT is laughable!!!! People like him will get what's coming to him sooner or later. If it's not my attorney, it will definitely be someone else's!!!!Business response
see attache final invoice and final date on the job was well after a year from the complaint. thank you
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Customer Complaints Summary
3 total complaints in the last 3 years.
0 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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