Business Profile
Window Installation
Alenco Building Products, Inc.Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Window Installation.
Important information
- Additional Info:The BBB has requested basic information from company management and legal counsel of this company on several occasions for the benefit of interested individuals and/or businesses. The company has not responded to these requests, as is their perogative. Therefore, a complete report cannot be provided. According to information obtained from the Texas Secretary of State, this company was chartered February 5, 2001. Company representatives have verbally stated that even though the corporate name, Alenco, was used by a previous occupant and building products manufacturer at this address; the main company phone number is the same; and several members of management are known to have been associated with the previous company, the companies are not connected in any fashion. The BBB was informed that Alenco Building Products, Inc., purchased certain Reliant Building Products' assets through the bankruptcy.The original company at this location was known as Alenco; Redman Building Products, Inc.; Reliant Building Products, Inc.; and subsequent to bankruptcy and reorganization, Reliant Building Products Bankruptcy Warranty Claim Service. These companies and their subsidiaries ceased doing business in April 2001 and are now defunct. Persons wishing to make claim for damage recovery against Reliant Building Products, Inc. may find court-mandated instructions provided at the BBB business record name Reliant Building Products Warranty Service, telephone 888-253-8439.According to a press release dated February 27, 2006, Alenco was acquired by Ply Gem Industries, Inc. headquartered in Kearney, Missouri. Ply Gem Industries manufactures and distributes products for use in residential new construction.