Auto Insurance
United Automobile Insurance CompanyThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Auto Insurance.
Important information
- Customer Complaint:Due to the volume of complaints filed against this business, BBB only publishes the details for 50% of the total complaints filed.
This profile includes complaints for United Automobile Insurance Company's headquarters and its corporate-owned locations. To view all corporate locations, see
Customer Complaints Summary
- 103 total complaints in the last 3 years.
- 48 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
If you've experienced an issue
Submit a ComplaintThe complaint text that is displayed might not represent all complaints filed with BBB. Some consumers may elect to not publish the details of their complaints, some complaints may not meet BBB's standards for publication, or BBB may display a portion of complaints when a high volume is received for a particular business.
Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:AnsweredMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
On 1/8/25 my car was struck by a vehicle covered by ****. I immediately filed a claim and provided all requested information. The insureds ca r hit my car when it was backing out of a parking space. Contact info for a witness who saw the accident was provided. I have called the adjuster many times and have sent many text messages. The adjuster sent one note saying that the claim should determined by a date long since past. I have never been able to talk to the adjuster who has failed to answer any of my calls or call me back. Other than the one text noted above, all of my texts have been ignored. My vehicle needs to be repaired and I have no reason to believe that my claim will ever be properly addressed.Customer Answer
Date: 02/18/2025
I contacted the name of the witness to the accident and have learned that he has not been contacted by the insurance company. Thus they are taking no effort to investigate my claim.
please note that I have read the companys response to other complaints. I have already taken the steps they suggest but my inquiries are not addressed.
Business Response
Date: 03/04/2025
March 04, 2025
BBB Case#: 22957140
Claim #: 0100398444
Policy #: UAO 529443
Insured: ***** **********
Loss Date: 01/08/2025
Complainant: ***** *******
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.We certainly do apologize for any issues with communication you may have experienced.
We can confirm our investigation was completed on February 20, 2025, and liability was accepted in the above loss. Payment has been issued.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
Cc: ***** **********Customer Answer
Date: 03/05/2025
I am rejecting this response because: Company did take responsibility and sent me a check. However, the amount of the check was not sufficient to repair the car. Also the $20 per day offered for a rental car while the repairs are being performed is inadequate. I did not find a collision shop who would work for the hourly rate set forth by the company. The shop I selected s rates that company did not answer phone or return calls. I advised company that the hourly rates and car rental rates were insufficient and asked what suppliers would work or rent me a car for those rates. I have received no response. I should not bear a substantial loss to have my car repaired.
i Should also note that the company prepared an estimate that was about twice as much as they offered me and then appear to have issued a supplement that brought the payment way down. I believe I am entitled to be made whole and this carrier appears unwilling to do so.
Customer Answer
Date: 03/18/2025
Thank you for your efforts although the insurance carrier continues to act in bad faith. I do, however, believe that this carrier deserves an F rating rather than a B. The carrier refuses to respond to the body shop and has not authorized anywhere near the amount of money that it will take to repair my car. I offered to go anywhere reasonably close by that would perform the repair at the cost they specify, but they said they knew of no such facility. Quite frankly it is not right that they are allowed to insure motor vehicles as their coverage is not anywhere near fair.Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:AnsweredMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
On December 14, 2025, my daughter was driving a ***** Civic that I own. She was struck in the rear by a driver who, according to the police report, "failed to control speed." Our car was totaled, fortunately, my daughter is OK.Three months later there is no resolution to this issue. My daughter and I have placed multiple phone calls to this company. We have never once been able to speak with an adjuster on the phone concerning the status of her automobile claim. This company has possession of the car. They took it from the tow lot. However, they refuse to pay or even talk to us. The last time I called an operator said there were issues with the coverage, but did not have details. He promised an adjuster would call me by the "end of day." That was last week. I firmly believe that this company is seeking ways to avoid paying. The police report is clear that their client was at fault. Their client admitted fault at the scene. Meanwhile, three months later my daughter is incurring daily car rental fees. Please help. I would like a phone call and an estimation of when this will be resolved. They are stallling.Business Response
Date: 02/21/2025
February 21, 2025
BBB Case#: 22932301
Claim #: 0800247987
Policy #: TXY 1000792
Insured: ****** ****
Loss Date: 12/14/2024
Complainant: *** ***********
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.As per the Police Report and Declarations Page. As you will see,neither the vehicle nor the driver is listed on our insureds policy.
We have set up an Examination under Oath with our insured.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
******************************Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:ResolvedMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
I was involved in a car accident with another driver who was at fault. The driver was ticketed and the driver had United Automobile Insurance. My claim number **********. The accident occurred on December 7, 2024 at approx at 6:07 am. I was notified on December 18, 2024 that my vehicle was deemed a total loss by United Automobile Auto. My van was my only form of transportation and United Automobile hasn't given me a rental or compensated me for anything. I haven't heard anything in the last thirty days. No one answers the phone and I'm very frustrated. I'm a caregiver to my elderly father along with a child with Autism. I'm taking **** and Lyft everywhere which is costly. Please help me get compensated for the total loss of my van and to be compensated loss usage and me taking **** and Lyft everywhere. My name is ******** *****Business Response
Date: 02/13/2025
February 13, 2025
BBB Case#: 22926498
Claim #: 0100395332
Policy #: UAO 41569705
Insured: **** A. ******
Loss Date: 12/07/2024
Complainant: ******** *****
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.We certainly do apologize for any issues with communication you may have experienced.
Currently,our investigation is now complete. We have deemed the above loss a total loss and we have sent the total loss paperwork to the complainant for her review and her signature.
At this time, we can confirm we have received the fully executed total loss paperwork from the complainant and payment will be issued including loss of use.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
Cc: **** A. ******Customer Answer
Date: 02/13/2025
I have reviewed the business response and accept this resolution. I would like to thank you so much BBB for helping me this matter. I finally heard from them yesterday after two months. My claim is finally getting settled. BBB you're the best!Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:ResolvedMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
I processed a payment through this company website as I always do on 12/31/2024; and the website showed a final payment of my policy of $217.50. I have a bank statement and a confirmation number from the website. I then get a letter in the mail dated 1/13/2025for a pay out amount due of $12.00 due 1/25/2025. Then the following day I get a letter in the mail showing Renewal Invoice; with the amount in () of $277.00 due by 1/31/2025. I then contact the automatic system to confirm if I needed to pay $12.00 and the reason why and its not a $12.00 amount no where in site showing due. Then I go to the website and the website showed $297.00 due 1/31/2025 with a $20 past due balance; which didn't understand that but ok. I then go to the website on 1/30/2025 to renew the policy just for the website to tell me my policy is inactive. How is that? I then called AMAX since I can't never get in touch with UAIS just for AMAX to tell me some changes were made to my policy and I have a balance due of $50. Well how is that when no where advised the balance, the automated system, the statement didn't. So where could this balance have came from? I received 3 different statements within a few days period, and then go to your website and automated system to validate to only be told aboout the renewal invoice I received, so I assumed avoid the additional notices since the website and automated system is telling me 1/31/25. Not only do my policy have a Lien holder but I also added a SR22, but it seems everytime its time to renew you all have a problem with your system and then we're penalize. I can't ride around without insurance and I paid you. This same thing happened during the last renewal where the renewal price was wrong online and it was due to a system glitch and they contacted me to renew after a few days went by I guess once they notice the issue. How dare your company lapse my policy and add fees to my policy without me knowing. **** advise fees were added daily to account.Customer Answer
Date: 02/02/2025
I contacted the office on Friday requesting a supervisor to contact me back due the poor customer service and being hung up on. The *** advised me someone will call me back by end of day. Its now Sunday and I still havent received a call from no one from this company being apologetic. I explained to the company if your website doesnt work on weekends like *** advised or not a trusted payment center (even though I use it every month) then your website should advise such because your license and the confidential message located at the bottom of the page of being a trusted website. I need them to correct this issue and advised the ********************************* of their error if cancelling my SR22 due to they lack of an operating system.Customer Answer
Date: 02/02/2025
Attached is from **** site requirements which is placed on their website to reassure their customer a friendly and safe experience. So why not stand by that and honor my end date of my insurance and update it with the Texas Depatment of Public Safety that my insurance cancel on 2/1/2025, per the renewal invoice received and the information that was displayed on their website. (The trusted website might I reinterate)Customer Answer
Date: 02/02/2025
This is per the website of ****, which they're not honoring and blaming the consumer for the mishandling of the website that they failed to ensure it was working properly. It's not the consumer fault, with me being a consumer has made payments to their website on many occasions and was never told before not to trust the website. But now since their system failed to update a balance to my account through the website and auto system they're not wanting to take ownership and fixed their error. It's not my fault and I want the ********************************* and my Lien Holder to be updated per the statement sent to me, the website I verified the balance, and the automated system of cancel date of 2/1/2025. I've also added this information to the *** complaint filed against the company.Business Response
Date: 02/17/2025
Please find our response to Case ID ******** attached.Customer Answer
Date: 02/19/2025
I am rejecting this response because: Attached is from UAIC site requirements which is placed on their website to reassure their customer a friendly and safe experience. So why not stand by that and honor my end date of my insurance and update it with the Texas Depatment of Public Safety that my insurance cancel on 2/1/2025, per the renewal invoice received and the information that was displayed on their website. (The trusted website might I reinterate)Attachments: UAIC Site Requirements.pdf Customer Answer
Date: 02/23/2025
Hi, yes I was contacted and advised per the letter received. I just want to ensure this information is provided to the ********************************* of no lapse in coverage for the SR22. The representative advised they waived the past due of the SR22 as a courtesy due to the inconvenience of this matter. ****** was very apologetic and very friendly in handling this matter. She also acknowledged the feedback requested to the agent *** disconnecting the call in my face. Hopefully this will be a learning ****** for this company to not have an employee like *** employed to handle their customers the way she did over the phone. *** needs a different profession and shouldnt be accessible to customer service.Initial Complaint
Type:Product IssuesStatus:AnsweredMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
I set up a policy with the company, and I gave the company all the information that was required. Paid the down payment and everything went well, until I got a noticed in the mail stating my policy canceled due to a photo that was already given the day I set up the policy. That being said I had to go thru the process over again and set up a new policy paying another down payment . So the policy started on January 3, 2025 and I received a email stating when my my future payments was due and that they were going to be automatically coming out of my account January 25, which is not even a month, but anyways, when I called my bank to see if my payment was drafted. The teller said no. Ok then I called the insurance to see why not and that 180 something dollars was due and I asked why when it was 166. So the other party said he would make a call and email why. I never received a email. So I called again to see why it was 180 dollars and the other party now says I owe 189, because we charge because you're make the payment with me instead of the auto draft. I then ask why when the hold purpose of the auto draft is because of situations like this. So I asked who I could speak with regarding this situation and a number was given and I called the number and never got anyone on the phone.Business Response
Date: 02/10/2025
Please see our response attached.Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:AnsweredMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
On 12/23/2024 we were involved in a traffic accident. A lady backed into our car. The police responded and created a police report documenting that the other driver was improperly backing. This occurred in ***** ******* *******************. County Sheriff responded.The other driver has United Automobile Insurance . I filed a claim with United the same day. They interviewed me on the phone and confirmed they did insure the auto involved. They apologized and assigned an adjuster to our claim. This all sounded great. Now a month later no adjuster has called me nor will they answer my calls. They have assigned three different adjusters. I have tried their website as they recommended but is very difficult. I called on the 24th of January and the person that answered, not an adjuster, confirmed they have received all my docs and that they were still reviewing the coverage They gave me a supervisor number which of course havent called me back. Their customer service is the worst. My initial estimate is just over $900 but their lack of business skills or business sense is the main reason for my complaint. I am a very patient person and I understand how the insurance business works. My opinion is that United Auto Insurance should not be allowed to operate in this country. They come off more as scam artists. Five weeks for them to interpret and review a insurance policy they themselves wrote is ridiculous. They operate as though they are above all laws.Business Response
Date: 02/07/2025
February 7, 2025
BBB Case#: 22856531
Claim #: 0100396931
Policy #: UAO 480822
Insured: Yorjhans *********-*****
Loss Date: 12/23/2024
Complainant: *** *******
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
We certainly do apologize for any issues with communication you may have experienced.
This claim was being handled under a Reservation of Rights as we have not obtained our insureds statement regarding the above loss. At this time liability has been cleared and payment is currently processing.Regarding the repairs our initial estimate was written to repair all visible damage related to the loss at the time of inspection. It is our duty to indemnify. As is industry standard procedure, the vehicle owner selects the repair shop. The representatives at the shop conduct the repair off the insurance companys estimate. In adhering to our duty to indemnify, if/when additional related damage is found during the repair, the shop representatives simply call us (or access our online claims portal) for a supplemental estimate.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
Cc: Yorjhans *********-*****Customer Answer
Date: 02/07/2025
If I understand this communication correctly they have agreed to repair my vehicle. Once that is completed I will notify you with the case being closed. Thank You and I will contact you once this is resolved.
*** *******
Customer Answer
Date: 02/17/2025
I am still waiting for approval on my car repair. United refuses to communicate with me. They still will not approve the repairs as they had agreed to according to the response they gave you. Nor will they approve a rental while my car is getting repaired. They have not did one thing they have agreed to do. This goes back to the accident on December 23rd and I am still waiting for their response.Customer Answer
Date: 02/19/2025
I am rejecting this response because: I am still waiting for approval on my car repair. United refuses to communicate with me. They still will not approve the repairs as they had agreed to according to the response they gave you. Nor will they approve a rental while my car is getting repaired. They have not did one thing they have agreed to do. This goes back to the accident on December 23rd and I am still waiting for their response.Business Response
Date: 02/26/2025
February 26, 2025
BBB Case#: 22856531
Claim #: 0100396931
Policy #: UAO 480822
Insured: Yorjhans *********-*****
Loss Date: 12/23/2024
Complainant: *** *******
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.We can confirm payment for the above loss has been issued.
As for loss of use our adjuster spoke to the claimant and advised we are more than willing to reimburse up to $25.00 per day based on the amount of time it takes to repair the vehicle as per our written estimate. Currently, we simply await the rental invoice from the claimant.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
Cc: Yorjhans *********-*****Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:AnsweredMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
My car was hit by a young girl with a learners permit without supervising driver in November 17, 2024 who is insured by this Company. I sent all the informations, documentations , photos of the accident promptly and until now i havent receive any communication from this of how theyre going to repair my car. My husband and I have been calling them and most of the time they dont answer. This is the most disorganized , unprofessional, Shady company Ive ever dealt with.Business Response
Date: 02/07/2025
February 7, 2025
BBB Case#: 22856354
Claim #: 0100393838
Policy #: UAH 414905
Insured: ****** ********
Loss Date: 11/17/2024
Complainant: ***** ********
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.We certainly do apologize for any issues with communication you may have experienced.
We have presented the claimant with the Property Damage release. Upon receipt of the fully executed release we will issue payment.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
Cc: ****** ********Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:ResolvedMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
I was rear end it on my car ; the car that hit my car was insured by united Automobile insurance base out of ************* the accident happened i ********************I submitted all the information to the insurance company, fhotos,police report number ,appraisal from body shop is been more than a month after I give them all the information they requested left more than & messages with the adjuster and they have not answer any of them Claim adjuster ****** ***** tel **************************** supervisor ******* ******* extension *****. My Estimate for the repairs are $2252.06Business Response
Date: 02/05/2025
February 5, 2025
BBB Case#: 22852566
Claim #: 0100396968
Policy #: UAO 556559
Insured: Trayonna ****** M. *******
Loss Date: 12/21/2024
Complainant: ********* *********
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.Due to a coverage issue, the above loss was handled under a Reservation of Rights. At this time, we can confirm the initial payment has been issued and the supplement has been completed. Payment is processed.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
Cc: Trayonna ****** M. *******Customer Answer
Date: 02/05/2025
I have reviewed the business response and accept this resolution.Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:ResolvedMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
Our car was hit and damaged by a neighbor. Their insurance is through ****. Working with the insurance company has been a nightmare. The claim is over 60 days old now. I have never been able to speak with someone directly. I have been leaving messages for 30 days now and have never received 1 returned phone call. I need assistance having my claim settled, getting my rental car so I can take my children to and from school and getting my car repaired. I have spent hours on hold, leaving messages and driving to and from repair shops and rental car companies. I need help. This insurance company is doing everything they can to not pay and assist me. We have no fault in this incident as the car was parked in our drive way and unoccupied at the time. The other driver hit it our vehicle with a UHaul Truck. This should be a very easy case. But it has been the most anxiety inducing incident all due to UAIC.Business Response
Date: 02/03/2025
February 3, 2025
BBB Case#: 22834051
Claim #: 0100392445
Policy #: UAO 47328901
Insured: Phalice ******** W. ****
Loss Date: 11/06/2024
Complainant: ******* ******
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.The above loss is being handled under a Reservation of Rights as the vehicle that struck the claimant is not on the policy. At this time, we have asked our insured for photos of the accident scene which will be provided. We can confirm the estimate on the claimants vehicle has been approved pending the coverage issue determination.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
******************************Cc: Phalice ******** W. ****
Customer Answer
Date: 02/03/2025
I am rejecting this response because: While the response, I am sure is factual on the part of the ***** they have failed to address any issues I have brought up, they have failed to respond and communicate with the Auto Body Repair shop that my car was taken to and we are now 94 days out and I still do not have a fixed car, the company still would not provide me with a rental vehicle and still do not answer or respond to calls/messages. I have given up dealing with ***** I have turned the issue into my own insurance and I will let the insurance companies fight it out.Business Response
Date: 02/12/2025
February 12, 2025
BBB Case#: 22834051
Claim #: 0100392445
Policy #: UAO 47328901
Insured: Phalice ******** W. ****
Loss Date: 11/06/2024
Complainant: ******* ******
To Whom It May Concern:
We are in receipt of the above complaint forwarded by your office. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.We can confirm the coverage issue has been cleared. However, the complainant did advise us she would be going through her own insurance carrier for the repairs of her vehicle. Currently, we do await the subrogation demand from her insurance carrier.
We hope this satisfies your inquiry. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
******* *****
Compliance Specialist
United Automobile Insurance Company
Cc: Phalice ******** W. ****Customer Answer
Date: 02/12/2025
I have reviewed the business response and accept that they will now be dealing directly with my insurance, State Farm. **** still never addressed my concerns, returned calls to myself or the auto body sbo or provided a rental car.
Initial Complaint
Type:Service or Repair IssuesStatus:AnsweredMore info
Complaint statuses
- Resolved:
- The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
- Unresolved:
- The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
- Answered:
- The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
- Unanswered:
- The business failed to respond to the dispute.
- Unpursuable:
- BBB is unable to locate the business.
I was denied monetary compensation for a car accident due to United Automobile Insurance Company Adjuster determined that I was an Uber Driver. I have never been an Uber Driver and at the time of the accident the person who hit my car, ******** Abreu *********, was an Uber Driver who was insured by United Automobile Insurance Company (UAIC). ******** Abreu ********* hit my car by the rear passenger side. On May 3, 2024, I was parked at the ************* ***************** Departure Line dropping my daughter off for a flight when the accident happened. I received a **** denied letter dated November 25, 2024, on December 5, 2024, stating that I worked as an Uber Driver at the time of the loss, and no coverage of any kind would be afforded for this loss. I called UAIC Adjuster ****** ********** at **************************** multiple times leaving voicemails to resolve this claim and as of today December 25, 2024, I have not received a returned call. Reference Claim Number:0100372818-002 / Policy Number:UAD604022202 / Insured Name: ******** Abreu ********* / Loss Date:05/03/2024 / Claimant: ****** ******. I would like to receive monetary compensation for the accident and resolve this claim with the correct information.Business Response
Date: 01/07/2025
Please find our response to Complaint *********** attached.
United Automobile Insurance Company is NOT a BBB Accredited Business.
To become accredited, a business must agree to BBB Standards for Trust and pass BBB's vetting process.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?BBB Business Profiles may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.
BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. BBB asks third parties who publish complaints, reviews and/or responses on this website to affirm that the information provided is accurate. However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles.
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.
BBB Business Profiles generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Business Profile.
As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business. Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation. BBB charges a fee for BBB Accreditation. This fee supports BBB's efforts to fulfill its mission of advancing marketplace trust.