Fitness Center
Dynamic FitnessThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Fitness Center.
Dynamic Fitness
9920 Highway 90A
Sugar Land, TX 77478-3196
Years in Business: 16
Payment methods:
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, & American Express.
BBB Accreditation & Rating
Dynamic Fitness is NOT a BBB Accredited Business.
To become accredited, a business must agree to BBB Standards for Trust and pass BBB's vetting process.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?BBB Rating
Not RatedReasons for rating
- BBB does not have sufficient information to issue a rating on this business.
About This Business
Services include: State of the art fitness equipment, personal training, babysitting, group fitness classes, cycle classes, tanning, kid fitness, raquetball, pool, spa. (amenities vary from location to location)
Business Details
- Local BBB:
- BBB of Greater Houston and South Texas
- BBB File Opened:
- 12/26/2012
- Business Started:
- 1/14/2009
- Type of Entity:
- Corporation
- Alternate Names:
- Dynamic Fit Club, Inc.
- Business Management:
- Mr. Roger Westerlind, CEO
Additional Contact Information
- Principal Contacts
- Mr. Roger Westerlind, CEO
- Mr. Greg Lawrence
- Customer Contacts
- Mr. Greg Lawrence
- Additional Phone Numbers
- Other Phone: (832) 886-4237
- Other Phone: (713) 770-4500
- Other Phone: (281) 717-8209
- Additional Websites
- Website 1
Additional Information
- Refund and Exchange Policy
Cancelation Policy
*PT Contracts cannot be deactivated/canceled just because a member cancels their club membership.
*Training Contracts and 12 Month Membership cannot be canceled without valid proof, any deviation of this policy will be deemed as a terminable offense.
MEMBERSHIP: (must be in "current" "active" status in order to cancel)
Notice of cancellation must be given, by member, at least (5) days before the next billing invoice in order to not be charged for the next month.
Member must provide proof of Medical, Military, or Move to cancel their agreement or member will have to buy out their existing contract (subject to a $150 buyout fee).
letter from Doctor, specifically stating that they are not able to continue a fitness routine (workout)
military orders
A signed lease agreement, that shows name of member
Utility bill, electric bill, water bill, or gas bill that shows name of member
Valid Driver’s License that provides the new address of member
Letter from employer with a copy of a current pay stub showing the new address
Closing paperwork for the purchase of a new home, must show name of member
Copy of Students class schedule with a copy of paid tuition receipt
Current bank statement show the new address
Current major credit card statement showing the new address
Post Office change of address confirmation letter
As well as the new address that is located at least 10 miles from the nearest Dynamic Fitness Facility, and 8 miles from their former residence.
copy of death certificate
Member must provide proof of Medical, Military, or Move to cancel their personal training agreement. Failure to do so will result in the client having to buy out their contract for half (50%) the remaining contract value.
letter from Doctor, specifically stating that they are not able to continue a fitness routine (workout)
military orders
A signed lease agreement, that shows name of member
Utility bill, electric bill, water bill, or gas bill that shows name of member
Valid Driver’s License that provides the new address of member
Letter from employer with a copy of a current pay stub showing the new address
Closing paperwork for the purchase of a new home, must show name of member
Copy of Students class schedule with a copy of paid tuition receipt
Current bank statement show the new address
Current major credit card statement showing the new address
Post Office change of address confirmation letter
As well as the new address that is located at least 10 miles from the nearest Dynamic Fitness Facility, and 8 miles from their former residence.
copy of death certificate
- Business Categories
- Fitness Center