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Business Profile

New Car Dealers

Enterprise BMW-Mercedes Benz-Sprinter


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    Customer Complaints Summary

    • 2 total complaints in the last 3 years.
    • 0 complaints closed in the last 12 months.

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    • Initial Complaint


      Type:Service or Repair Issues
      ResolvedMore info

      Complaint statuses

      The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
      The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
      The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
      The business failed to respond to the dispute.
      BBB is unable to locate the business.
      I had a problem with my car and it would not start, I was connected with a tow truck through USAA Auto, and I requested that the car be taken to Bergstrom Mercedes Benz. The following morning, I contacted the dealership and talked with the service consultant *************************** (****). I informed him that I my car would not start and that I had purchased parts from the dealership previously in an attempt to get the check engine light out, so that he was aware what had been replaced in an attempt to assist with troubleshooting. I had been contacted by the consultant and informed that the car was running and that the spark plugs needed to be replaced, which accounts for 90% of my problem. Quoted cost for the replacement of the spark plugs, $500.00 for plugs and installation. I declined and informed the consultant that I would purchase the plugs and replace them myself. Meanwhile a vacuum hose was ordered and enroute, other than that the car was ready to be picked up. So after the service department replaced the hose, I was informed that the car had been test driven and was ready for pickup. Nevertheless prior to me receiving car I was then informed the car is blowing smoke, in which I stated that my car was not prior to the delivery nor was I informed after the test drive that day, but the morning of the pickup. The dealership replaced one three inch elbow hose, that I requested be replaced. A Cam Shaft Magnetic Sensor, in which I informed ****** that I had just recently purchased from them, so there should not be an issue there, but if it needs to be replaced to resolve my problem, so be it. I picked up my car and while driving, my check oil light came on, that should not happen if an all point inspection had been properly completed and the car should have not be returned without properly topping off all fluids. The next day I went out to start my car and it will not, to date the the car is not operational. The amount paid in total $954.61 for an incomplete job.

      Business Response

      Date: 07/18/2023

      Dear **************,

      I have investigated Mr. ****** complaint with the dealership.   After reviewing it with the service manager (his write up is attached), it is clear that the repairs were explained and authorized, and I believe the charges were valid for the services provided (it sounds like we did not charge for some work performed).  We are sorry Mr. ***** is not satisfied and that his vehicle is having further problems. 


      Executive VP & General Counsel

      Bergstrom Corporation


      Customer Answer

      Date: 07/19/2023

      Better Business Bureau:

      I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ********, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

      [Please type your response here.]



      Customer Answer

      Date: 07/23/2023

      Hello, I will share with you my mechanical background and certification; longevity of driving ************** the conversation(s) with the service consultant and the mechanic and the service consultants supervisor, Icarsoft software device, and my legal degree
      I am retired disabled military veteran of thirty-two years. During my military service while being assigned to different duty assignments, all military personnel  are trained and certified on their assigned military vehicles and equipment; and are required to perform weekly inspections accordingly as required by military regulations. This is called preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) and annotated on DD Form ****; ************************************************** this Indicates that a completely satisfactory condition exists, other than a deficiency which must be corrected to increase efficiency or to make the item completely serviceable. If deficiencies are noted, the form will be turned into the **************************** for work orders to be performed, if need be, as well as those with no deficiencies. Furthermore,I am a certified MI ****** tank and heavy equipment maintainer with 24 weeks of Advanced ******************** Military occupational title previously (63K) now (91A) which includes all wheel and Armored Track Vehicle modes of transportation. ********************************************************************** has provided me with skills of a maintainer to keep my personal automobile running at its best performance.  Nevertheless,I have knowledge of how combustion systems work, however I do not have any training or knowledge to disassemble an engine nor any experience beyond that.
      I have been driving ******** **** since I was stationed in ******* for seven years and thats where I purchased my first ******** in **** and I have been driving this brand of automobile to date. I have purchased parts that I have replaced myself from certified dealerships, stated herein. I have maintained and serviced my vehicles, to include family and friends. I have taken my ******** to certified ******** dealer service and repair shops for issues beyond my skill level, whom have records of my business that I have completed with them, other than the unfinished business with Bergstrom, to date.

      I have been driving my car for some  years to date, and the only time that my car has ever been taken to any certified ************* repair and service, was with *************************, in which I had suspension work completed for any component that needed to be replaced and a transmission service. Up to this point I did not have any major problems with my car, furthermore I did not have any problems with my car smoking, due to the fact that I maintain and troubleshoot any issue prior to taking it to a repair shop, if I can perform the task myself. Nevertheless,my car was delivered to Bergstrom Enterprise Motorcars, via tow truck because the car would not start after I had just turned it off and then to return to it and it would not start.  I contacted the service provider to inquire on the status of my car. I received a call the following day from the service provider as he informed me that the car was inspected and was determined by the mechanic that the spark plugs were fouled up and they needed to be replaced, with a video emailed to me with the issues. 
      This caught me by surprise, because I had just replaced the plugs in March 2023, I explained to the services provider that I had replaced parts that gave me a code for a magnetic cam shaft sensor and a  purge for the evaporation system that were replaced. I further explained to ****** that I had recently purchased those parts which are from their parts department and that they were new parts; I further inquired what was the cost for the plugs and installation, and he informed me that it would be approximatively $500.00; I asked that for $500.00 does that include any warranty on the plugs he stated no, however if I did choose to have them installed by the dealership that he is authorized to give a $100.00 discount if I choose to let them install them.
      Later that day I arrived at the dealership to receive a loaner car while my was awaiting a small rubber elbow tube that I had requested be replaced because it was frayed and may have something to make the purge valve give an error code. I inquired to speak with the mechanic, and I had explained again that I had replaced said parts. I explained to him that it was asinine to pay such a huge amount to have the plugs replaced, so I asked that he place the plugs and the key inside the car on the service parking lot and that I would replace them myself as I did because I was informed that 90% of my problem was with the spark plugs. After the plugs were replaced, and what ever else needed to be completed, I was informed that the car had been test drive and that they were just waiting for the hose to arrive to be installed.
      I agreed for him to make the repairs as stated herein,and there were no other issues of concern according to the mechanic test as well as during our conversation, therefore I agreed to the cost of repairs and was considerably confident and secure that my car problems were resolved according to the mechanic and my skill set. At no point during our conversation did the mechanic state that there were any other issues of concern to be addressed.  I received a call from ****** that my car was ready to be picked up, and then he stated that I have smoke exiting the exhaust pipes but the car is ready; I became very discouraged after my conversation with ******, due to the fact that I took my car in for repairs, notwithstanding my skill set as well as the head  mechanics expertise,in which consumers such as myself rely on the expectation that car will be operational with exceptional service provided to consumers for their car, notwithstanding that my car was returned to me in a condition that was determined operational and that the issues of concern were addressed. At any rate, I allowed and compensated Bergstrom to perform a certified multi-point vehicle inspection and repairs on my car, however when I was driving my car home from the dealership while on the interstate the check oil level indicator illuminates warning me to check the oil level on my next fuel fill-up.  I arrived home, I inspected all fluid levels to include the oil level and it was low;therefore, I concluded that the all-point inspection was not completed in accordance to their all-point inspection standards, which further led me to speculate what did they do to my car during the test drive.
      This car is a luxury sports model sedan E350 rear wheel drive, well maintained, clean inside and out with no signs of rust, oil leaks or any other fluid leakage or issues that would hamper the high performance of the car. I am confident that many would put it to the test to see what kind of power it has just by it looks alone as I feel that whoever test drove it created issues that were not previously there or addressed by the lead mechanic of any other issue. It is certainly understandable to challenge integrity of the work performed by the dealership to determine if the repairs resolved all issues of concern, however there is a limit on the stress that any machine will allow and if pushed passed its limitation, therefore,it is certain that engine components will fail due to improper stress test and driving habits while under excessive stress, and I feels that is an issue that the dealership created and are liable for the condition of my car, furthermore during a conversation with ******** supervisor explained my concerns and that he was willing to refund me four hundred dollars and some to retract my complaint with the BBB, but I declined because if I have them do repairs and my car will not peto allow form after they diagnosed and repairs made, then I was deceived of repairs completed, that followed with my car being parked in my garage after returning from the dealer because it will not start again. This leads me to consider what to do next because the issue is beyond my skill level, now I am not confident that the dealership can and will perform on an expert level, because they have failed horribly in my eyes. I explained to ******* supervisor that it is not practical  for me to allow them do any additional work when they failed to return my car without any faults or additional issues,this was not the case.  Because of my despair I began to research what is the best solution to my new problem, as I explained that it would be cheaper for me to purchase a new engine than to allow them touch my car again as he pleaded that I allow him to make amends, but the damage has been done in which I will not allow them to touch my car again because I do not trust them for failure to perform.

      If you decided again that I have no issue and this problem has been resolved, I will pursue this in litigation, because I feel that you are incompetent to the matter brought before you and  I recommend that this matter be brought to your supervisor because I am not stupid, and I do hold three college degrees to include a paralegal degreed from an accredited college. You challenge my integrity and stated that my claim was frivolous and without merit, I say to you, do your job and reinvestigate, surprise I also have certification as an Inspector General Supervenient, problem solver for both military law as well as civil law; do not dismiss my grievance  due to your lack of education, competence or complete disregard to consumer complaints because it is not your problem, however you must feel that consumers are just complainers, I know how you would feel if this happened to you, so dont try to dismiss or disregard my complaint because you are not willing to do your job thoroughly as an investigator, beside I am sure that you are just there waiting for your next check to maintain your stability for yourself and love ones and you feel that $954.61 is a drop in the bucket, you are out of mind, I would not want this to happen to you as it did to me, consider this in your decision making process. I prefer that you pass this matter to someone that is competent because you are lacking knowledge and research skills, which is vital to your retention and customer satisfaction. I recommend that you take some initive to resolve this problem, however if you are lacking knowledge and the rule of law to include contracts, please pass it on to someone else who is in a better position to logical decisions.
      I purchased a scanning device, which is named Icarsoft and it will provide me with the same faults and codes which is the same professional troubleshooting process used at any service shop, although there are different brands that will provide the same faults as stated herein; I can read fault codes and reset them after any said part is defective and replaced as **************** performs the same scans.
      I say  you that if this information is not enough for you , then I suggest that you get off your a** and do your job. You are not the only avenue to resolve an issue that is above  your head.  I have experienced your incompetence within your reply and I hope that you are just upset as I am with your response and with the dealership, Do your job and investigate and follow through with it ,otherwise again I say pass it along to your supervisor, because your response *****.
      For additional information, please contact me via email at ***********************.
      Sincerely, ****************

      Business Response

      Date: 07/25/2023

      Dear ****************,

      I responded previously to Mr. ******* complaint that the services provided were authorized and they were completed by our company.  That is what the documentation and our team members have confirmed.  Mr. ***** is not happy with that response and has concluded that I do not have the mental capacity or experience to respond to his complaint.  Mr. ***** is certainly welcome to his opinion.  I, again, am sorry he continues to have problems with his vehicle; but those problems were not caused by Bergstrom.  My suggestion to Mr.***** is that he contact the General Manager of the dealership in question, ***********************, at **************.  She is authorized to resolve guest concerns at that dealership. 





      Executive ******************** General Counsel


      Customer Answer

      Date: 07/29/2023

      [A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

      Better Business Bureau:

      I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ********, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 


    • Initial Complaint


      Type:Service or Repair Issues
      AnsweredMore info

      Complaint statuses

      The complainant verified the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
      The business responded to the dispute but failed to make a good faith effort to resolve it.
      The business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer either a) did not accept the response, OR b) did not notify BBB as to their satisfaction.
      The business failed to respond to the dispute.
      BBB is unable to locate the business.
      Took my vehicle in for an emission recall service. Service was scheduled on May 4th at 7 am with an estimated completion of three to four days. I waited for a week and heard nothing from the service department. I called and they said they haven't started on it yet. I said that was disappointing that no one contacted me on the delay. They said it would be about another week to complete. I received a call that the vehicle was completed on Monday May 16th and that all that was remaining was for the vehicle to be washed. I said I would be there around 5 pm and the service department said that would be fine. I arrived to pick up vehicle and was told the service tech wants to take the vehicle for a test drive tomorrow and they would call me when he has completed the test drive. Tuesday morning I get a call saying the check engine light is now on and they are trying to determine the cause. Later that afternoon I am informed that five glow plugs are now faulty and it would be $1200 to repair. I said that was unacceptable as the vehicle had no issues when I brought it in and I expect to pick it up in the same condition and I would not be paying for whatever happened while you were working on it. I was then told that you would contact ************* to see if they would cover the expense to replace the glow plugs. I received a call later that ******** would not assist with paying for the repair. I said I would not be picking up the vehicle with the check engine light on. The service department said they would not cover the expense to replace the glow plugs. The service manager offered to work with me on resolving the issue. I suggested I pay for the glow plugs ($400) and the service department installs them. He said the cost of doing the work is now $1700 as $1200 was not an accurate amount and that he would offer a discount to do the job for around $1300.00. What a joke. I have bought numerous vehicles from this dealer and this is how I am treated???

      Business Response

      Date: 05/26/2022

      Dear ****************,


      Attached please find ********************** response to this matter.


      Thank you.

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