BBB Education Foundation, Inc.

BBB Education Foundation, Inc. is the 501c3 non-profit arm of the Better Business Bureau Serving the Fall Line Corridor, Inc.

A Consumers Best Friend.  President Ronald Reagan once said, "Down through the years the Better Business Bureaus have resolutely stayed the course, showing themselves to be the best friend American consumers have ever had." The BBB Education Foundation, Inc. is engaged daily in continuing the legacy of being the consumer's best friend. 

Mission: The BBB Education Foundation's mission is to educate consumers, of all ages, to navigate a more trustworthy marketplace.

Vision: The BBB Education Foundation's vision is to generate an army of informed consumers that will demand trust be restored to today's marketplace. 

Through many different and tailored programs, BBB Education Foundation offers the following courses, speaking engagements, and events.  

Need BBB?

Your BBB has experienced presenting to Professional Organizations, Teachers, Students, Military, Senior Citizens and many more.  We welcome the opportunity to present at your next event or  meeting.