Timeshare Resale and Rental Marketing
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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Answered
$1000 cash we paid for the sale of our timeshare *** ***** was the intial person we spoke with.Business response
We have already spoken with Mr. ******* and re-explained our services and that we are diligently advertising his vacation ownership. As a courtesy, we are will be showcasing his ownership on our home page at no additional cost, as well as advertising it for sale on affiliated websites, again at no additional cost, in an effort to have his ownership viewed by as amany potential buyers as possibe.
To-date, his advetisement has received 354 unique views - as recent as last week, and we have assured Mr. ****** that we are continuing our efforts.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Sales and Advertising Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Buyatimeshare.com valued the time share at $25,000usd to secure a sell fee of $2,000usd.They couldn't sell it at $25,000usd or any other lower price - when they originally valued it at $25,000usd to secure the upfront fee.I see you have had succcess in the past against this organisation for its representations.Business response
Mr. ***** posted his timeshare ownership for sale with us on January 22, 2021. To date, there have been 291 unique views of his advertisement.
At no time during the telephone call was Mr. ***** given the "value" of his vacation property. We did, however, let him know the amounts that other owners with the same ownerships were asking in our network. In fact, the agreement that he signed states the following "I priced my timeshare as part of the enrollment process at *********************************" and further states that "there was no guaranteed timeframe within which my timeshare would be sold or rented".
As of today, we are still advertising his timeshare property for sale. We have explained to him very thoroughly over the telephone that we cannot tell him the value of his ownership or when it may sell. We also did not give a timeframe as to how quickly his ownership may or may not sell.
I enourage Mr. ***** to reach out to our ************* Department. We will be happy to advertise his ownership on another one of our websites at no cost to him. We would also like the opportnity to showcase his advertisement under our "Featured" ads section for additional exposure.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Order Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I paid this company $1196 to rent/sell my 4 timeshares on December 3, 2021. I was promised that my Timeshares would be rented or sold. To this date, I have not heard back from ***************** (TP21717) with any updates about my properties or received any offers on any of my properties since I paid. You are unable to reach anyone at their toll free number. I have NEVER received 1 offer for rental or sale of my timeshares. This company is a big scam and the Authorities need to get involved.Business response
This client has four advertisements with us. She paid $299 per advertisement (total of $1,196) on 12/3/2021. The total number of unique views of all four of her advertisements combined is ***** unique views. On all three of her Gaslamp Plaza Suite ownerships she received purchase offers that she did not respond to. This client has never once adjusted her prices on these three properties per our recommendation.
Our **************** Team left the client voice messages and sent emails on 2/16/22 and 3/24/22 and did not hear back. She then called in 3 months later on 6/23/22 to let us know she will be moving her timeshares to a different company to sell for her. Client is a real estate agent and was told that timeshares are not like typical real estate and that we cannot guarantee a sale, and we advised her to adjust her asking prices. The most recent activity on her account was on 8/15/24 where she logged into her online account for the first time since 12/31/21.
Attached are her signed contracts and signed survey with us that detail the services we provide. This client did sign both.
Due to all these factores: the signed agreement, the signed survey, and the offers that came in and were ignored make this client ineligible for a refund.
We will be happy to reinstate the advertisements at no cost if the client would like us to.
Customer response
Complaint: 22171479
I am rejecting this response because: almost everything the company stated in their response is a lie. Yes, I did reached out to the company as they stated in June of 2022 because I did list my timeshares with **************************** which provided the same services as Buyatimeshare.com. I was told that whichever company sell my timeshares, the out of pocket fee I paid to either company would be refunded. One of my properties for example was listed for $21500 with ****************************. I was told a similar property in comparison to mine was sold for that price. I later found out after paying both companies for marketing fee that I was flat out lied to because timeshares have NO RESALE Value. That is the reason both companies have not rented or sell any of my timeshares as promised. **************************** has agreed to refund my entire marketing cost.
Secondly, the statement that I received purchase offers and emails sent on 2/16/22 and 3/24/22 and voicemail messages sent are also liesI have NEVER received any follow up calls since I paid my $1196 to ***************** (TP21717) and I have NEVER received a single offer. As a result of my timeshares not being rented or sold, Gaslamp Resort sent my information to a collection agency who is reporting negative information to the credit bureaus which is negatively affecting my credit score. I am in the process of buying a home and Im getting denied due to the timeshares reporting on my credit. Furthermore, I have NEVER stayed at any of my 4 units since my purchase in March of 2021 due to my business being affected by COVID-19I will be taking legal actions against buyatimeshare.com and the collection company if my funds are not returned to me ASAP or if the information is not removed from the bureaus. The collection agency is aware of what occurred and we have since been in communication. I spoke to ********* this morning and was told indeed that I was scammed by **************************** and Buyatimeshare.com and was informed about their so called Advertisement scam. The Agent I spoke with today is *************** @ ********** for verification of our conversation today.
*******************************Business response
Hello, the fact of the matter is that this client paid our company to advertise four of her timeshare ownerships for sale and we have done so dilligently. We are a for sale by owner advertising service, and she paid us $299 per advertisement on 12/3/2021. The total number of unique views of all four of her advertisements combined is ***** unique views. On all three of her Gaslamp Plaza Suite ownerships she received purchase offers that she did not respond to. These were emailed to her directly and are documented within our system.
While we are sorry that she was unable to utilize her timeshares due to the Covid crisis, that has nothing to do with our company. *********** is non-exclusive, and we encourage owners to work with as many advertising companies as they can as she could have done at any time. The fact that her properties were foreclosed on, again, has nothing to do with us - that is between her and the resorts. This client signed a form clearly stating that she was using our services to advertise her ownerships for sale, and that we could not guarantee that these four ownerships would sell in any specific timeframe or for any specific amount of money. These signed agreements have been attached.
Again, our service generated three offers and did get her porperties advertised. While we are sorry for her misfortune and understand her frustration, but we have done our job as we agreed to.
Customer response
Complaint: 22171479
I am rejecting this response because:
This company solicited me and took my funds, I did not receive or reject any offers. Again, since I paid money to this company I NEVER received a follow up call or email from this company in regard to my properties.
*******************************Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Order Issues
- Status:
- Answered
About a year ago, I paid BuyATimeshare.com $2500 because I thought they could help me sell a timeshare I own. I spoke to an agent who gave my some very convincing BS about how wonder their company was, and how high a rating they had, and how successful they were at selling timeshares. I did go to a few places on the web he suggested which gave them good ratings. He convinced me that in ******, he had to collect the fee up front (I should have known!). They would put the unit on their website and if I got and accepted an offer, they would take care of all paperwork to sell and transfer it. I decided to hope it was legit and paid them. The unit was indeed listed on their website for sale, and for the first few weeks, I got calls from very nice sounding people telling me that things were going well and they thought it would sell quickly. Supposedly there were offers on both weeks and I accepted both right away. I was waiting to hear more, but when I didn't, after about a month, I reached out and was told that the offers were taken back. I told them I was angry that I at least wasn't told. Since then, I have heard nothing from anyone in the company at all. I realize that they will just claim that there aren't any offers, which might be true, but I also realize that since they have been paid for work they haven't completed, they have no incentive to do so. I want to place a complaint with you, so that maybe others won't stupidly fall for this con. I'm 70 years old and $2500 is a lot to just loose. I would really love at least a partial refund, since they did list my unit and I believe that after a reasonable period of time, since they weren't able to complete the process promised, I should be entitled to it.Business response
This client is advertising two ownerships with us. She paid $1,050.00 per advertisement, so $2,100.00 in total onJanuary 16,2024. Her properties have been posted for sale for slightly over six months, which is not very long at all.
She had an offer on February 22, 2024 for $2,50.00.00 and then another offer from a different buyer on February 24, 2024 for $4,000.000. These offers were at full asking prices and were sent to her via email.
We called this client to give her a 60 day update and to inform her of these important alerts that she needed to respond to but someone picked up the phone and hung up on us. This was on March 19,2024
The,n on March 20,2024, she left us a voicemail and then sent an email to us saying she was on hold for 20 minutes (we were closed when this message was left). **************** called her back the very next morning, where we walked her through accepting both offers in her online account. On May 13, 2024 this client was notified that these buyers had elected not to move forward, but that we would continue to market these ownerships for sale. She then logged into her online account on July 17, 2024 at 7:21PM and that was the last activity made on her account.
To day, one of her advertisements has received 142 views and the other 144 views. Our company is doing its job in advertising these ownerships for sale. Furthermore, this client signed an agreement detailing our services and stating that she understood them, as well as having completed a quality assurance survey. (see attached).
There is no refund due to this owner. We will be happy to showcase her ownerships for sale one of our other platforms if she would like us to at no extra cost.
Customer response
Complaint: 22050474
I am rejecting this response because: While, I believe they have done most of what they state, I disagree that they have been very good at communicating anything to me. I don't believe they "walked me through" anything. One other problem I have with them is that since I let them advertise my timeshares, I have been swamped with many calls reaching out from other places, everywhere in the ** offering to help me sell, or rent the property. Since I have had various numbers from them also, I just don't answer the ones that say "Suspect Fraud" or numbers I don't know that don't leave messages. I receive at least 3-6 such calls per day and frankly don't even know if they are the ones calling. I think their communication is awful! If I ever hung up, it's because I didn't know it was them. I'd just like to know if anything is happening occasionally and I hope that if the units ever sell, they will hope up their part of doing the paperwork to sell & transfer them, but I have a lot of doubts about that.
*************************Business response
Our company has nothing to do with the many solicitation calls that you are receiving. Unfortunately, there are companies that purchase lists of timeshare owners and call them continually. Any calls coming from us will come from our *************************** and you can easily add us to the contacts list in your phone so you can identify us. While I am sorry that you are unhappy with the service so far, but we are doing the job for which you paid us, and you have had two offers come in that *** have gone through had they been responded to more promptly.
We can cancel the advertisements if you would like, but we are not going to be able to issue you a refund.
We will be happy to ****** your ownerships for sale on our sister sites at no cost, pleae reach out to our *************************** to set this up.
Customer response
Complaint: 22050474
I am rejecting this response because: I resent the claim that I don't answer promptly as I immediately accepted the offers on my units. Then, I had to call a month later to find out what had happened. I have put two contacts in my phone so that I would be able to know when you call, but it's not showing up from them. The numbers are either "Suspect Spam" or an 800 number I don't recognize and if someone would leave a message that it's from "BuyATimeshare" instead of some other name, I would promptly respond. I would like to know the number I should expect from **************** as I think many of your representatives work around the country & have various numbers. You also can reach me by e-mail as you have when we first began our business. I don't expect miracles, and I understand that you can't control buyers, I'm just unhappy with the communication, or lack of. Please continue to market my units, as I have paid for that already and I will continue to cross my fingers & hope that if they sell, the transactions will be completed by you also.
*************************Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Sales and Advertising Issues
- Status:
- Answered
This company is not reputable, I was contacted by a representative claiming to advertise my timeshare this was back in 04/2023. As of today, I have not received any updates nor have I been provided any status on the advertisement. I have called myself just for the rep to say reduce the price on the timeshare. That has been done twice within the past year. I fell as though, the initial rep give me just what I wanted to hear. I was vurnable to the situation of getting this timeshare advertised and sold. I sometimes go on the website to see if anything has changed, unfortunately not. I requesting that my money be refunded due to services not rendered as promised.Business response
Hello, ***************** paid us $249.00 On April 4, 2023 to advertise her timeshare ownership for sale. We called her again after two weeks, again after one month and again after two months to provide updates to the advertising. On June 6, 2023, we received an email from this client about receiving calls from other timeshare companies trying to solicit her business. She then said in her email that she was at the point of wanting to just cancel her ownership and cut her losses. We responded to her email first by leaving her a voicemail two minutes after she sent in her email to us, and then we followed up with an email reply warning of exit companies and timeshare resale scams.
The last time **************** logged into her online account was on July 25, 2023. We spoke with her again on February 20, 2024 and she lowered her asking price.
***************** is not due any refund from us. Our terms were clearly explained to her both verbally and in writing, and she even completed a survey confirming that she understood that there was no way to guarantee when her ownership may sell or what offers may, or may not, come in.
Timeshares do sell every single day on the resale market, however, they do not always sell as fast as an owner may like. This is why our guarantee is that we will continue to advertise the ownership for sale until it does sell, or the owner tells us to discontinue.
Although we cannot issue this client a refund, we will be happy to feature *****************' advertisement on Home page of our website for added exposure, and can even place it for rent thru one of our affiliated companies at no additional cost if she reaches back out to us.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Sales and Advertising Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I contacted this organisation 12 months ago by email and received a telephone from a ************************* who was extremely friendly and told me I would have to pay some money into an account .He advised me that it wouldnt take long to sell the timeshare.A few weeks later I was contacted to ask if I would consider reducing the sales price.I agreed and havent heard anything since.I have tried to call the number but get no response.As my timeshare hasnt been sold I would like a refund.Business response
**************** signed up with us on May 19, 2023, and paid us a one time cost to advertise her vacation ownership for sale on our website, "www.buyatimeshare.com". Her property is still being advertised as we speak - it has been posted for sale on our website for only nine months. Our services were fully explained to ****************, and she was told explicityly that our company could not guarantee that her vacation ownership would sell in a specific time frame or even sell at all. This is also true of a newspaper's classified advertisement - they cannot guarantee if an appliance that they are advertising for sale will sell. Their job is strictly to get it in front of possible buyers, just the same as ours. A timeshare is not like a house, there is no multiple listing service just for them, and so often they need to be advertised through a company that specializes in them so that prospective buys can see them available. At no time was this client given a false expection.
It is not true that she has had no contact from us. We provided this client with multiple update calls and email correspondence. She made one price adjustment which was on 7/18/23 when we called her for her sixty day update. Then **************** called in to us on 8/10/23 where we provided her with an update and told her wed be reaching back out in a week or 2 for another update call. We then left her a message on 8/21/23 and sent her an update email. She then called back in on the same day, we gave an update and extended her a featured property upgrade at no cost to her. She then sent us an email on 9/18/2023 after hours, so we emailed her back on 9/19/2023 answering her specific questions. She then sent us an email on 2/24/23 after our hours, asking how she can log into her online account. We replied via email with specific instructions on how she can navigate her online account first thing that Monday morning.. That was our last correspondence with her.
Because our services were explained correctly, and the client read through our terms and conditions, as well as our refund policy, and acknowledged that she understood by signing and submitting the acknowledgement back to us, no refund is due to her.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Sales and Advertising Issues
- Status:
- Answered
As you may be aware, there is an active network of timeshare scammers who represent themselves as
successful sellers of timeshares, extracting considerable amounts of money from people desperate to
get out from under onerous fees for timeshares theyre no longer able to use. Weve been fleeced by
two of them and besieged by calls from others, making us wonder if they share their chump list. All led
us through the process of looking up their license online as proof of their legitimacy. The two to whom
we gave money told us they would run an ad but didnt say that was ALL they were going to do nor that
the visibility of the ad would depend on the frequency with which we updated it. They were told we are
in our 80s.Buy A Timeshare ***********************, Senior Advertising Executivel-********************** 5406<********************************************************** ***************************************
o What they said: SMTN is a fraud, Buy a Timeshare has a timeshare selling business
where they actually meet with customers. Theyre the only resale provider in the
country to be accepted by all three North American timeshare associations.
o What they did: Collected a $500 fee for services on 2/27/23 followed by occasional
emails about adjusting our price to move our ad to the top of the list, which we did. No
response to our email in June to adjust the price to $1.
They denied my request for a refund on 10/4/23, saying the contract only provided for a refund
if we sold the timeshare ourselves (true). Offered to present our ad as a Featured Property to
put it at the top of the list for 15 days. Oh boyBusiness response
My understanding is that we spoke with X** in February of this year and she paid our company to advertise her vacation ownership for sale, which we have been doing so diligently ever since. During that time she has made numerous revisions to the advertisement, as recently as last week, and we have continued to accomodate her, as is our guarantee.
Please keep in mind that selling a vacation ownership does not always work like selling a home. The main difference is that there is no ************************ set up for timeshares to go into, and many general realtors do not work with them. Because of this, it is common to pay an advertising cost so that potential buyers can see that the ownership is for sale. Even if someone were to advertise their property on **** or in the newspaper, they would have to pay an upfront cost, and the advertisement would expire once the time limit had passed. At Buyatimeshare.com, we will continue to market the ownership until sold. We realize that marketing a timeshare for sale can be frustrating. We cannot guarantee that any given ownership will sell or how long that process might take.
That being said, Timeshares do sell every single day on the resale market, and we do have partnerships in place with multiple real estate offices who can sell from our inventory as well. I will be happy to post this property for sale on additional forums at no added cost to the consumer and will reach out to X** this afternoon to see if that is something we can help with. Additionally, we have a very successful rental program, and many owners are able to make back their maintenance fees by renting their available weeks out while they are waiting for the property to sell. In this instance, our rental department handles everything and the owner receives a check in the mail as soon as the renter checks out.
Again, I will reach out to X** today to see how else we might be of assistance and to assure her that we are doing as much as possible to be of assistance.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
The of transaction was 1-5-22. The amount of Money was $598.00 They promised to advertise my property on the website. I looked on the website and never saw my property. When I did talk to them they told me to reduce the property. I priced the property and they were not high at all and they said to reduce the price every time I called them. They did nothing for the money. I tried to get the money back and they said they don't give refunds and they will list the property until it is sold. I have been tiring to get the money back for months. They want even talk to me, I feel liked the scammed me out of the money. I work hard for my money and i want was for them to work with me on selling the property. Once I signed the contract, nothing else was done after a few weeks. Why should the company keep my money if they did nothing for it. The salesman was very nice when we signed the contract and now he want even call me to discuss a refund. no one wants to work with me.Business response
Dear ********************:
This is a formal response to a complaint filed with your office. Our customer, *****************************, contracted our office to advertise her Hilton Grand Vacations Club at ******** ********** and Hilton Grand Vacations Club at ******* Village ownerships for sale on our website. Her ads was posted on our website and are still available for viewing at ********************************************************************************************************************************** and *************************************************************************************************************************.
BuyaTimeshare.com is an advertising service which allows timeshare owners to negotiate the sale or rental of their own property themselves,without the assistance of a real estate broker or involving any commissions. We do not guarantee the length of time it will take for a timeshare to sell or rent, nor the price at which a property will sell or rent. **************** understands that we do not guarantee a time of sale, per the terms of her contract as well as the survey she completed at the time she agreed to her advertising - copies of which are included in this response for your review.
In her complaint, **************** referenced a refund request for her advertising fee because she claimed we have not provided support to her in her efforts to sell her timeshare. However, our marketing efforts have generated 518 unique viewers to her advertisements, showing that our efforts have worked. As with any type of advertisement, details such as asking price and season of ownership can have a significant effect on whether buyers decide to make an offer.
BuyaTimeshare.com is a for-sale-by-owner internet advertising and marketing company for timeshare owners. As such, we always encourage our advertisers to be as engaged and proactive as possible in the management of their advertisement through their online account. Our staff have been in contact with her on multiple occasions to advise her and provide her with the information she needs to give her the best chance to sell her ownership.
There is no question as to whether BuyaTimeshare.com has performed the advertising services promised to ****************. We have fulfilled an arrangement made to provide our services, and **************** has agreed to pay for those services that are in fact being provided.
Our staff is dedicated to working with **************** until she is completely satisfied with our services; however, there is no current information that would reasonably contradict our review. Our refund policy is clearly presented in the agreement and her account does not fall within the parameters of our refund policy. Therefore, we do not believe there is a basis for complying with her demand for a refund. If you would like to discuss this situation further, our **************** Manager, ***********************************, would be happy to discuss this account. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Delivery Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I entered a contract with this comppany to sell my extra vacations from my timeshare on Dec 20, 2020. They have not had a successful offer to rent my property since then. I have contacted them by phone and e-mail at least 5 times since then and have gotten the run around. I want my money back or an immediate rental of my property for at least the $1499 i have laid out.Business response
Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2022/07/08) */ Dear ****** - we are very puzzled by your comments as we have no record of you in our system. Your name, phone number and email address do not appear in our database, so we presume that you have mistaken us for another resale company. Feel free to call us on ************ if you need to speak with us directly and perhaps we can help you identify the company with whom you have engaged.
*Some consumers may elect to not publish the details of their complaints, some complaints may not meet BBB's standards for publication, or BBB may display a portion of complaints when a high volume is received for a particular business. ↩
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Contact Information
Customer Complaints Summary
10 total complaints in the last 3 years.
6 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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