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Review fromMichelle C
Date: 03/25/2025
1 starMichelle C
Date: 03/25/2025
Buyers Beware!!!! I was bidding on a rug.i did not want to spend to much on it so I set a max bid for $17. It stated I was winning and had the highest bid of $49, which I was shocked because I DID NOT set a max bid in that amount, I went to the site to see if there was a way to speak to someone or change that. It here was a phone number, which they were closed so I could not talk to anyone, so I emailed.nothing, so I texted, still nothing. I finally was able to call them. Spoke to ***.who claimed o kept making bids, which is absolutely falsethere was apparently 4-5 bids on my end, which is a LIEI made 2, one for $6 and one for $17. I told him there must be a glitch in their system because I Did not and would not bid $49 for that or any carpet. **** spoke with his manger and saidnothing they can do, I have to pay. This is unfair because I honestly did NOT bid this high for this carpet. If I did then I would be happy I won it and would not be calling.This however is not the only problem I have had with this place, a few weeks back I bought a large dog crate, came I. A large box but was a small crate. I purchased a very nice heating g pad that did not work. I have got nothing but junk the last few times and they are just robbing people. They dont care. I can and will submit the ***** I bought with the ad.its all messed up I am so irate that they get away with this stuff. I am telling you its a glitch in the system or they did something. Something was not right and I tried to contact immediately when I saw that it was incorrect.M@C Discount
Date: 03/26/2025
As an auction liquidator, ******* runs auctions on items that were returned to Big Box retailers for any reason. When customers are registering to bid with us, they are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions can easily be referenced at ********************************** am going to cite our bidding policy for reference.2.4. Bidding - By placing a bid in an auction, you are extending an irrevocable offer to purchase the items at the price set forth in the bid. Once entered, a bid may not be retracted.2.6. Winning Bid - The User that entered the Winning Bid will consummate the purchase of the item within the time specified in the Terms and Conditions for the auction. Unless stated in the specific terms and conditions for an auction, all items will be charged to the User's default credit card on file following sale. In most cases this will be the following morning. This amount will include the Winning Bid, all buyers premiums, lot fees, **************** Fee and sales tax, if applicable. Upon receipt of payment, all risk of loss shall pass to User. Winning Bids may not be cancelled at any point following the close of an auction.We do have a total of 5 bids on this item via this customer's account. One was for $45 and the next was for $50. Both were set as Max ****** This is according to our official digital data. Thank you.Review fromKornisha L.
Date: 03/24/2025
1 starKornisha L.
Date: 03/24/2025
The start of poor customer service;Me to ***** at MacBid 3/19/25: My order deadline for this item is tomorrow, but when I went to pick it up, they said that DESK means they have not found a place for the item yet, and I cannot pick it up at this time. Will the deadline be moved?Response at 3/21/25 12:53pm from *****: My apologies, are you referring to the Pots and Pans? After looking at your account, it says that item was picked up on 3/19 at 4:12pm. I'm glad it worked out, and have a great day!My response 3/21/25 1:00pm : Hi, My items were never picked up by me.This was ***** at MacBid response 3/24/25 5:05: Hello,After looking at your account, it says on 3/21/25 you picked up the Olive **** at 4:29pm, and a few minutes later at 4:33pm the Pots and Pans were refunded as a Bad Listing -Damage Are you saying that you or a friend/family member of yours did NOT pickup the **** and refund the Pots and Pans? Are you saying that was a complete stranger and we need to watch the security camera footage from that day? Please advise, thank you!I copied and pasted this poor customer service experience at ****** straight from my email! Now, to explain, on 3/19/2025, I asked ***** if my deadline for picking up the Pots and Pans Set would be extended since it wasnt available.On 3/21/2025 at 12:53 PM, ***** responded, asking if I was referring to the Pots and Pans and stated it was picked up on 3/19 at 4:12 PM. I clarified at 1:00 PM that I had never picked up my items.Later that day, I picked up the Olive **** at 4:29 PM, but at the time of my email, I had not yet picked up the Pots and Pans. If ***** had checked the timestamps, she would have seen this. Instead, she took an accusatory tone, implying I or someone I knew had picked them up and suggested reviewing security footage.This behavior is unacceptable and left me frustrated. I hope ****** improves its customer service to prevent misunderstandings.M@C Discount
Date: 03/26/2025
We do reject the notion that the tone was accusatory. We do believe it was more of a tone of confusion. This item was scanned as picked up in our system, in which the customer service representative was referencing. The scan did appear to be an inadvertent scan. The customer is leaving out the fact that they were refunded for the item. We do apologize for the confusion, but we are not entirely sure what else the customer is looing for here? Thank you.Review fromAileen W
Date: 03/18/2025
1 starAileen W
Date: 03/18/2025
I dont give this company any stars really.Number one, I understand all policies are meant to be up held but when you purchase something you expect it to work and when you return it within the time allocated, you should get your refund.2ndly, I missed a deadline and the very next day, I tried to pay for my items and couldnt. I understand the policy on this as well but when I had paid for other items and because I had purchased the membership, I put the items on hold of which was given until 3-20-25 to pick up my ******** the meantime, accounting decided to refund me for the membership and suspended my account not taken into account that I had two items I had on hold and the deadline had not passed. I drove two hours to get the items on 3-17 not only to find out my account was suspended and they wouldnt allow me to pick up the purchased items in which I still had until the 3-20-25 to pick up and I would be refunded the items not to mention they suspended the account the same day as I was in route to pick up the items on 3-17-25. The items were not abandoned and paid for but not allowed to pickup. I emailed customer service- They said suspended account holders shouldnt be on the premises . Where in your policy does it say that?Im a state official and I know about following policies but what i dont understand is the lake of customer service that was given when customers do follow your instructions as to holds and returns.If I have to, I will contact News Channel 9 because you dont get to keep money thats not yours.M@C Discount
Date: 03/24/2025
As an auction liquidator, ******* runs auctions on items that were returned to Big Box retailers for any reason. When customers are registering to bid with us, they are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions can easily be referenced at ************************************* a customer bids on an item and wins, they are agreeing to pay for and pick up that item in a timely manner. I will cite the policy pointa for reference.2.6. Winning Bid - The User that entered the Winning Bid will consummate the purchase of the item within the time specified in the Terms and Conditions for the auction. Unless stated in the specific terms and conditions for an auction, all items will be charged to the User's default credit card on file following sale. In most cases this will be the following morning. This amount will include the Winning Bid, all buyers premiums, lot fees, **************** Fee and sales tax, if applicable. Upon receipt of payment, all risk of loss shall pass to User. Winning Bids may not be cancelled at any point following the close of an auction.2.12. Late Payment - User acknowledges that time is of the essence with respect to their timely payment of all funds required under Section 2.6 and 2.11 of this Agreement. In the event that any such payments are not fully made prior to 10:00 am the day following the auction closing date, the User shall be required to pay *** a late payment penalty of up to one hundred ($100.00) dollars.2.13. Reinstatement Fee - If a User account is suspended for any reason, the User may be assessed an additional Reinstatement Fee up to one hundred ($100.00) dollars. At ***'s sole discretion a User account may be permanently suspended for repeat violations of the Terms and Conditions.This customer had 11 invoices that failed and not paid for within the specified time frame to pay an invoice. A couple of these invoices were over $200. It was because of this, the customer was suspended. They agreed to the suspension when they registered to bid as well. I will also cite that policy point.2.3. Exclusion of ***************** or Amendment of Bids - Without limitation to any other remedies, ******* may exclude any User from any Auction and block any registration if the User has breached or threatens to breach these Terms and Conditions or engages in any behavior which ******* in its sole discretion regards as likely to have an adverse effect on the conduct of the Auction or the reputation of *******. Furthermore, ******* reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to exclude products from offers and refuse acceptances, bids or offers, as well as to discontinue Auctions or its Services altogether at any time or for any reason.Thank you.Review fromVera B
Date: 03/13/2025
1 starVera B
Date: 03/13/2025
I would like to give it a zero I did nothing wrong and they kicked me out wouldn't let me get my stuff that I had paid for and I am still a week later waiting for my money if I even get it I'm really upset I would like my money cuz you didn't take time and taking the money when I won the auction you should be able to refund my money right away you already put the stuff back up for sale this is really unacceptableM@C Discount
Date: 03/17/2025
As an auction liquidator, ******* runs auctions on items that were returned to Big Box retailers for any reason. When customers are registering to bid with us, they are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions can easily be referenced at ************************************* customer's account was suspended because it was found to be in relation to another account that was suspended due to unpaid invoices. When accounting finds these relations, all accounts that are related do get suspended. Customer agree to suspensions when they register to bid with us.I will cite that policy point for reference.2.3. Exclusion of ***************** or Amendment of Bids - Without limitation to any other remedies, ******* may exclude any User from any Auction and block any registration if the User has breached or threatens to breach these Terms and Conditions or engages in any behavior which ******* in its sole discretion regards as likely to have an adverse effect on the conduct of the Auction or the reputation of *******. Furthermore, ******* reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to exclude products from offers and refuse acceptances, bids or offers, as well as to discontinue Auctions or its Services altogether at any time or for any reason.Review fromJose V
Date: 02/22/2025
1 starJose V
Date: 02/22/2025
I recently won a laser engraver machine and I got it for 335$ the original value is $2500 I went to pick up my item drove from *********** to ********* 5 hours to pick up my item and like magic my item was missing it disappeared. I spoke with costumer service and they mention 2 options to get my refund which i don't want ......because I think they don't let things sale that cheap if they know if fully functional. They just pretend is a missing item and give you a refund and repost the item.. when you look up at the information in ****** it says that you can get a refund, or a replacement of that item .but is not true they just denied to do a replacement in a future ..they said I have to bid again so now I am $466 dollars short ..that if they refund it it will take a month to get to my account note:they will ***** it on your bank !!no item !!no hopes to get it at all also I noticed that they exaggerated in some of the items price .like now they have a supposedly laser engraving partial part that the machine is 4000$ that is a big lie that is other part that it's not even part of the engraver and the price is around 300$ dollars..this is my terrible experience with this mac bid place they are very tricky .I post this to help people not to fall in their scam were they offered you items at ridiculous price but .they actually don't work,missing parts,overpriced, and when you finally get something good they act like is missing so they can keep posting it and continue holding people's money for a month..M@C Discount
Date: 02/27/2025
As an auction liquidator, ******* runs auctions on items that were returned to Big Box retailers for any reason. When customers are registering to bid with us, they are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions can easily be referenced at ********************************** will cite the "Open Box condition code here.2.10.2 Open Box - Open Box items were sold by a retailer, and potentially used before being returned by the customer. Open Box items may be damaged or have an opened box with missing pieces, so unless the condition of a specific item is explicitly stated, User should not make any assumptions other than the item may be ripped, scratched, non-functional or otherwise damaged. All Open Box items are sold AS/IS. *** makes all items available for inspection prior to bidding, it is the responsibility of the User to inspect all items before placing a bid on the Site.Customers are always more than welcome to inspect many of our items before they place their bid. We actually encourage inspection before a bid is placed. We do offer the **************** for many of our items as well. I will paste the ***************** terms for reference. 2.16. **************** - A User may elect to purchase **************** for any individual item in the auction. This purchase is elected at the time the bid is placed in the auction. The cost for this product is specified at the time a bid is placed. The price will not change as the bid increases. The **************** product allows the User to return the Item, for which the product was purchased, within 5 Business Days following the pickup of the item. This return is treated as a ********************* return, and a reason is not required to process the refund. If an item is transferred from another location, the User is allowed to return the item within 5 Business Days following the pickup of item from the new pick-up location.If customers ever believe an item is not congruent to the listing, they can bring it in for a Manager Review. A manager would review the item and then compare it to the listing to see if a refund would be warranted. Customers always have 30 days from the close of the auction to ask for a review. A review can be done at any location. Reviews are at the complete discretion of the manager. We typically do not do any even exchanges as an auction liquidator. We are not like regular retail where we get a regular flow of the same item into our inventory. We could get one of one item then it could be months until we get that same item into our inventory again. This is why, in cases of a missing item as example, we would issue a refund.We do quote that refunds can take 7-14 business days to be completed. I will quote our FAQs for ************* long does it take to receive a refund?Collapse The time between a refund request and receiving the refund is dependent on the credit card processor. Once ******* submits the request, the amount of time it takes to process is beyond our control. The credit card processor has direct control over how long this process may take. Nevertheless, the time period between the request and receiving the refund is normally between 7-14 days.Thank you.Review fromAaron M
Date: 02/20/2025
1 starAaron M
Date: 02/20/2025
Buyer beware -- %15 is always added to your purchase! So, in the terms and conditions of a purchase, it is not disclosed what the "buyers premium" ACTUAL percentage is. This is a hammer fee that I found out is %15 of your purchase. In the terms and conditions it states that Mac discount may use its discretion when this Buyers Premium is applied. But in an email conversation with an associate, ******* from the ** office, disclosed that this %15 fee is added onto to EVERY PURCHASE. No discretion of any kind when it is applied like stated in the terms. They add %15 to all of your purchases. This is undisclosed and since it is not stated in the terms, it definitely feels like they are hiding a big fee they take from you. So please check you bank accounts to see what ********************** is actually taking from you. And on a more concerning note, they didn't even care when I brought this to their attention. The associate, *******, just kept sending me to the terms and conditions page, which is where the problem is. They just said this is how it is, and have a nice day. As a private business owner, this is unacceptable and I will be pulling my business from MacDiscount. I hope you have better experiences when purchasing from this business.M@C Discount
Date: 02/24/2025
As an auction liquidator, ******* runs auctions on items that were returned to Big Box retailers for any reason. When customers are registering to bid with us, they are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions can easily be referenced at ************************************ customer is correct in our terms of use notates that we do charge fees. I will cite that policy point for reference.2.11. Buyer's Premium - MAC may, in its discretion, charge a buyer's premium, lot fee or other service charge on items sold (including any applicable sales or value added tax or similar taxes in the relevant jurisdiction at the current rate). All such charges will be indicated on the specific auction terms and conditions. If charged, the buyer's premium shall be collected directly from each successful User, in addition to the lot fees, sales tax and purchase price as bid.What the customer failed to mention in this case was that the fees are broken down on each item's auction page.We always do stress that our customers should bid according to our fees. Fees do come standard across auction formats. Thank you.Review fromKayt P
Date: 02/14/2025
5 starsKayt P
Date: 02/14/2025
Great customer service and willing to help resolve issues. I have been able to get multiple products as a significant discount that otherwise I would never have purchased. Highly encourage!M@C Discount
Date: 02/17/2025
We appreciate the 5-star review and the kind words! We hope to keep seeing you around!Review fromTeresa L
Date: 02/08/2025
1 starTeresa L
Date: 02/08/2025
I didnt know I only had three days to pick the item up. Like everything else I purchased I thought I had 5 days or more. I even had an account the I paid for monthly. I was mostly satisfied with all my purchases and went to pick this item up, it was on the shelf, in the location that it was supposed to be. I carried it to checkout and they couldnt get my barcode to scan. They told me to stand to the side. I waited for thirty minutes before I finally asked someone else for help. He looked up my name, phone number, and email address and very rudely stated this item was supposed to be picked up yesterday and is no longer yours I asked if I could get a refund (I paid over $70) if they wouldnt let me have this item and I was told no. This company should NOT be permitted to keep the product and the money, its just not right. They lost more than my business on this transaction. Theyve lost 5 accounts because of this and it wont matter to them, but they wont get another dime from me or my friends and family members that have deleted their accounts and app.M@C Discount
Date: 02/10/2025
As an auction liquidator, ******* runs auctions on items that were returned to Big Box retailers for any reason. When customers are registering to bid with us, they are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions can easily be referenced at ************************************ customer always has 3 business days to pick up the items that they have won after the auction has closed. For instance, if they win on a Tuesday, They have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to pick up their item, with Friday being the last day. If they find that they cannot pick up their items on time, then they can place a hold.If this customer paid for the monthly membership, we ask that they reach out to **************** so we can dig deeper into the situation. I will cite our item removal policy for reference.2.8. Item Removal - The User is required to pick-up all items purchased by the removal time set forth in the specific auction. All removal shall be at the expense, liability and risk of the User. If the User does not pick-up an item within the removal period for the specific auction, MAC may, at their sole discretion, deem the item to have been Abandoned by the User and the User will have no further rights with respect to the item. If items are not removed by the removal deadline, User is liable for all removal and disposal costs associated with disposing of the assets that were not removed.Thank you.Review fromMILISSA Z
Date: 02/06/2025
Date: 02/06/2025
Warning to other users of this app! I would give this app a 0 star but you have to leave something in leu of your visit. After winning lot for $1, I was charged $11.44 for the item in total. I understand that they have a lot fee of $3 for the item, but where is the other $6.44 coming from? This makes me very upset and I do not want to bid with this AUCTION HOUSE any longer. Nothing makes SENSE when I'm looking at the items that I purchased including how you keep ADDING FEES to items that don't add up. BEWARE that this auction house may use undocumented fees to add onto your winnings(PHANTOM GRAY ON A LONG LIST OF THINGS THAT JUST DONT ADD UP). Not very happy, and it seems a lot of people are not happy, given it has a 2.96 star review. Get your stuff in order M@cbid and stop saying a customer can buy something for a $1 and charge them hidden $10.44 in fees! My whole order does not make sense! What should have been a max $30, I was charged $52. If you lost money on that sell that is your concern not ours. To charge me more then what I won the item for is blind theft. Rant over.M@C Discount
Date: 02/07/2025
As an auction liquidator, ******* runs auctions on items that were returned to Big Box retailers for any reason. When customers are registering to bid with us, they are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions can easily be referenced at *********************************** appears that the item this customer is referencing is the ZONEMEL Portable Steam ******** is correct that we do charge fees in addition to the bid price, but it would not add up to that amount on just a $1 bid. Now, it appears the customer selected the ***************** on this item. The amount of the assurance as $7. This would bring the total price to that amount. The ***************** is an optional fee. I will cite the policy point for reference.2.16. **************** - A User may elect to purchase **************** for any individual item in the auction. This purchase is elected at the time the bid is placed in the auction. The cost for this product is specified at the time a bid is placed. The price will not change as the bid increases. The **************** product allows the User to return the Item, for which the product was purchased, within 5 Business Days following the pickup of the item. This return is treated as a ********************* return, and a reason is not required to process the refund. If an item is transferred from another location, the User is allowed to return the item within 5 Business Days following the pickup of item from the new pick-up location.Thank you.Review fromLorne G
Date: 02/04/2025
5 starsLorne G
Date: 02/04/2025
Great place to buy products at a reduced price. Have purchased quite a few items at *******. Have purchased items from 90% off the retail to 50% off retail price. Some very helpfully staff, especially **** and ******. I will continue to buy items here as there are some great prices for brand new items.M@C Discount
Date: 02/07/2025
We greatly appreciate this 5-star review and feedback. We are always happy to help our customers save up to 80% off of retail prices. We will pass this along!
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